Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Every two weeks.

That and Sethrak. lol


I hope that they do notice your efforts <3!!! We can’t give up now!


Hella here.

Just posting on my Dark Ranger character to show my continuing support for Dark Ranger customization options! I want my red eyes and pale skin!


I don’t have much hope for the immediate future on customizations. I’m still peeved they made the bread and butter of BE customizations lack luster jewelry, and then made it a female only option.


I’m going to keep up hope for some surprise customization additions for you at launch Lann! :frowning: Maybe I should sacrifice a chicken or something…


Please either use the entire chicken for more than just a sacrifice or consider a nice offering of various herbs.


Does it still count as a sacrifice if I kill the chicken in a sacrificial ceremony, fill it with an offering of various herbs in a very pious manner, and then cook it for dinner?


I think the delayed launch is to work things out with end game things. So I’m not holding out hope there really. Other than they redirect focus back to core races ASAP after launch.

From what I know of sacrificial offerings…

Yes. Yes it does.


Yea the delay is for endgame stuff, but… if the artists are done with the endgame art… they could be making customization instead of twiddling their thumbs while the code people figure out how to make endgame systems fun, balanced and functional (they’ll probably fail at one of those). >_> That’s what I am hoping for.


Or they might just make more Fungarians…



Why “Dark” Rangers?
What about “Bright” Rangers?

Why it always need to be dark and edgy?

We could always go with Power Rangers!


why? because i want san’layn and THIS reduces the chances for me to got it.
So no, for the sake of having my san’layn race i dont want these options added to blood elf

The Hannaford down the road from where I live is having a sale on their Rotisserie chickens, I might sacrifice one as well.


The chances for San’layn as their own allied race was reduced to nearly zero when Blizzard shifted their paradigm from derivative allied races, to customization for derivatives added to existing “parent” races.

That means it’s far more likely that Blizzard will add Dark Ranger/San’layn customization to Blood Elves than it is that they will make yet another Thalassian derivative allied race.

Don’t get me wrong. San’layn as an allied race would be preferable and far superior IMO, but the likelihood of that happening is lower now than it has ever been before, but customizations are far more likely to happen since that’s the new hotness Blizzard has embraced.

I could be wrong… but I have feeling I’m not.


As someone who runs the megathread and has for almost 3 years now, this unfortunately checks out.

Which is a shame.

I put the community together with hopes of an Allied Race. I still hope for an Allied Race, it’s what I want above all. But I also am aware that yeah, there’s a pretty low chance.

What I really want in the case of San’layn (and Dark Rangers, that would be nice) would be a Night Warrior like questline, if we’re fated to be just customization. And the reason behind that is: San’layn, specifically, have not joined the Horde. In the case of High Elves & Wildhammers, they’re already a part of the alliance, so them being ‘playable’ (I know both parties would like additions and I’m not discounting that) already makes sense. They don’t really need lore to explain it, though I know that many would like tidbits of it regardless (and rightfully so. I still hope, for their sake and future, little sidequests are added as flavor. Wouldn’t that be amazing?)

Now, Dark Rangers are the weird ones. They are technically a part of the Horde already, but the whole Sylvanas thing kinda… threw a wrench in matters. However, I think it was shown that some left Sylv loyalty though in game and therefore are in the current Horde? So if they were added as customization without a questline (Which would suck) it would at least make sense (though like I said, suck.)

San’layn, on the other hand, would hopefully get claws and fangs as an option as well, as opposed to just red eyes and undead skin tones. (This being a toggle is what some are suggesting, which sounds interesting). As I said before, I truly think they should get a questline, even a small one, to confirm their joining (and… you know, I’ll always advocate for more vampyr curse lore, as we have such little information on it.)

Now, going back to Dark Rangers, I know there’s speculation due to some questline being brought back up again relating to Dark Rangers in Shadowlands? If you want my personal opinion, I think Dark Rangers would be appropriate for a “Night Warrior”-grade questline as well.

But… I’m of the opinion that even the customizations for ‘sub races’ we got now should have a bit more flavor quests too.


I’d also hope for a voice pack toggle, but that’s probably hoping for too much. :frowning:


Yeah this too, it would be so neat if we got more voices for races in general. One can dream :confused: