Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Yeah exactly, and an eye color I personally have 0 interest in (I don’t even want my lichfire blue, I wish we had red eyes x.x). That was more for the other community’s wishes.


Or the box art runic tattoos / Farstrider tattoo ask. They gave NEs their box art stuff at least :sleepy:


Night elves got chokers but not blood elves… WHICH ARE SHOWN IN THE CINEMATIC. WITH. CHOKERS. They didn’t even give us jewelry that was in the cinematic and inobtrusive! And we didn’t even get ear jewelry aside from the same earrings we have but different colors! (and if they did, they’re so bloody unimpressive and boring that it’s pointless anyway.)

Yes, we’re going to want customization that’s actually relevant and looks good, especially those who want to play dark rangers and themes like that, because Blood Elves in general lost their umph ever since the Sunwell nonsense went through, and now suddenly everyone’s obsessed with turning them light-obsessed like LFD.

Trolls get different themes and tribes, so do Mah’gar orcs, and elves are among those that have different themes but aren’t represented as playable, like vampyr and Rangers and felblood elves.


Dark Rangers please

just incase anyone is interested the armor I used to create the look.
Head: Cowl of Tirisfal, Cloth
back: Parrotfeather Cloak
chest: Oppertunist’s leather tunic
hands: Oppertunist’s leather gloves
belt: Shadowcraft Belt
legs: Oppertunist’s leather leggings
feet: Scaled leather boots
main Hand: Archmage’s guile
off Hand: Archmage’s guile


If we get chokers I hope they are for both female and male Blood Elves :frowning:


Oh yeah, that glaring issue too. Men should be able to use the jewelry as well, utterly stupid that they can’t.



Blood elves got nothing!

Get outta here!

More seriously though.

Blood elves got nothing more than some skin tones and some shades of eye color.

Oh and nearly useless jewelry.

They didn’t exactly get the orc or night elf treatment.


Thank you, Fallynn (and everyone else) for nicely explaining that Blood Elves got the short end of the stick and why we aren’t happy with what we have. Every time I see, “Blood Elves got pampered” or “Blood Elves got a lot,” I sigh. The bulk of our customization is poor quality jewelry that none of us asked for and most of us will never use when many of the other core races have numerous categories available for use.


Especially in this thread, where people are literally asking for a couple more color assets. Like literally 2-3 undead tones, red, violet and maybe black eyes are not much to ask for and a couple small additions would be a huge leap for Blood Elf player agency.


It stuns me that people are so adverse to something as simple as this. :confused:


Sadly no matter what idea you propose, no matter how good, it will always have someone that will say ‘no’ even if it has no effect on them.


Definitely, any good cause will always have a nemesis, someone who just wants to watch the world burn. The most one can hope for is for them to have their piece and then move on. Luckily neither the San’layn or Dark Rangers seem to have any clingers like we do.

But alas, with the amount of time between the prepatch and launch now, maybe they’ll grant our one small request for launch??? :purple_heart:


Thank gods. I had one incident when someone followed me off of the forums and bothered me in my community discord and PM’d me, like he was eerily obsessed, but luckily that hasn’t repeated. I don’t hide who I am (people can clearly see what I look like from the videos I made a while ago on San’layn) but like… leave me be if you’re going to be a horrible person :stuck_out_tongue:


Indeed, people really ought just leave their garbage behaviour on the forums, and even then it can be too much. I luckily have never had any incidents on a personal level, but we still experience them on the regular as a community.

The bottom line is that people should just mind their own business if they’re going to be negative, like leave the token post of disapproval, but that’s all it should be, not running around playing mind games and stalking people. Live and let live.


Wow, the customizations for Blood Elves finally being in game just reinforces how disappointing our options are compared to many other races.


Yeah I was saying that in the San’layn thread. I’m using none of the ugly (calm down, it’s my personal opinion) jewelry. I was really hoping for scars, more hair styles (or even hair that was improved graphic-wise in substitution of more, a kind Vulpera mentioned that in another thread and I was like “That’s a glorious idea”), chokers, facial piercings, something to look more fierce.

Now people are saying: “Be HaPpY YoU At LeAsT GoT BlUe EyEs”

What don’t people get about the fact that I couldn’t care less about blue eyes and don’t like high elves??

That’s an Alliance thing, it’s something I’m not excited about nor care about at all. Like, everyone is telling me to be excited about it, and I’m sitting here like “If I wanted to play a high elf… I’d roll a void elf and give them blue eyes/the skin tones. Which I just find bland, I like void elves.” Rich coming from a blood elf player, but I was hoping for more variety as opposed to the basic nonsense we got.

Meh, oh well. Hopefully they look into feedback those that want a more brutal, monstrous representation in elves (like Dark Rangers, San’layn, and Felbloods) where we can look nice and be deadly.


If they had given us runic tattoos I would be using them right now I think given how I kind of like tattoos now. I want Farstrider and Runic but runic/roommath markings of some kind would fit my casters I think.

They didn’t even give Blood Elves eyebrow options like Night Elves. And then gender locked the jewelry.

I’m beyond unimpressed with their effort to say the least.


All throughout the customization development, I honestly thought the features they shared were just previews and that we were going to be getting a lot more with the way they’ve hyped us up. Going into the game after the patch…it really felt empty and disappointing. Like…everything they’ve shared… was it. Plus the imbalance of customizations between races and genders added fuel to that fire.

For something as simple as color, it is frustrating to see such a small selection or having odd-colored eyes being fixed rather than independently choosing them. How difficult is it really to put one of these into the game:
Color Chart or Color Slider

If they manage to do this for hair, eyes, cosmetics, and skin (of course changing the shades of colors accordingly to what’s lore appropriate - like having shades of purple between light and dark for the Nelves), it wouldn’t be an issue anymore.

Same here. ICly, my monk has runic tatts - got the idea from the non-canon Warcraft RPG. Ever heard of APB Reloaded? Players say the customization is so detailed there you can really spend up to an hour customizing your character. It is mainly because you can craft your own tatts in there and place it anywhere on your character - face, arm, torso, legs, etc. Lots on YouTube vids on it.

One can only hope… :frowning:


So much for your theory Mellow. Looks like you’re not so clever after all. (idk why the forum doesn’t show it, but Mellow has red eyes and white hair now).

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I submitted Dark Ranger customization options for Blood Elves (or as a model toggle for the Forsaken), Farstrider and mage tatts to the in-game suggestion box under the help category. I urge you to also do the same as I did to get our wishes. If enough of us submit these suggestions, Blizz is bound to notice. So please take the time to do that if you can.