Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

That’s what I am hoping for from that datamined quest from Velonara. If her quest unlocks the skin and eyes for Blood Elves in the same way as the Night Warrior quest did for Night Elves, then I’d be happy. I mean of course I’d wish for more than just that, but just having the skin and eyes would be enough to at least portray the San’layn and Dark Rangers reasonably well.

Even if the quest implies the customizations are just you being empowered in some way rather than being actual undead, as long as we can look the part, we can RP as we please. It’s how the whole High Elf via Void Elf thing was resolved. I don’t see why it can’t work for San’layn/Dark Ranger via Blood Elf.


Since they’re deserving of a new voiceset and some flavor racials, that’d be a crappy way to go, but I feel the same way about Wildhammer.
Maybe if they added voicesets as a customization option.
Doing so for the human with voicesets to represent Kultiras and GIlnean would make some people happy. I’ve seen it asked for.
A wildhammer voice set would be great.

Should have just rolled them out into subraces.
Stuff like this would have been great. Then give the subraces their own voicesets, it’d also be a good way to have classes available to certain subraces if it didn’t make sense for the whole race. Same for certain customizations. Like fangs and such for a san’layn subrace don’t make a long of sense being available to regular blood elves, but I guess if someone might want to use it shrugs

What I kinda wonder is would they only be available to specific classes or just a customization available for whatever?
With a setup like the subrace thing on that link above, they had the dark rangers as an option…would clicking this open the customizations and the few class choices? Rogue/Hunter…maybe Warrior? I don’t really think of a caster type when I think Dark Ranger. I do for San’layn though.

I think this would be a great route to go.
With all the various voice actors, it’d be neat to have them do some extra lines while at the mic…have a variety of different voices to choose from. It’s something other RPG games do.


Rogue, Hunter and Warrior would all fit nicely. Though the Velonara quest is Hunter only, so if they’re earned from that and class restricted, they’ll probably be Hunter only.

But another possibility from the Velonara quest, seeing as it’s a Hunter only quest related to Dark Rangers, might be just a lead in to the Undead Beast taming tomb. That would be pretty disappointing, but it’s honestly what I’ve been expecting out of the quest since I first heard of it.

Would definitely be into this, wanted it since the idea of allied races popped up ngl.
The only thing I think they should do is lock it so they can’t be DHs or Paladins.

I don’t think it should be class locked, no other customization based on races their trying to grandfather in have been class restrictive nor has the Night Warrior eyes.

I do hope they wouldn’t do that :confused:


Interesting. I thought I’d seen/read that there were some very Rogue-like ones as well in the story, but hunter is mainly what I think of. Then again, I wish Survival had an option to dual wield whatever weapons you wanted like hunters used to have. It’d be neat if it was set up so abilities took range into consideration. You’d use bow/gun whatever if at range, and then switch to melee when close, change up playstyle however you want.

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This post is like when the PC brings Light’s Heart into the warlock class hall, and the demons are like “Come on, really, dude?”


Yes, I’d love this. They could make it work by having the skills deal damage with both weapons while dual wielding. This is how they initially made dual wield Frost a thing, it didn’t really work too well before that.

I’ve even thought it could just be a stance dance like warriors and such used to have. equip melee/equip ranged
Switching stances just equips the ranged weapon vs the melee weapons…means you’d have a little extra gear you’d have to keep good unless you primarily played one of the other, but it’d give a bit more choice.
I kinda like survival, but I don’t like being made to use the polearm.

Warriors, Hunters, and Rogues used to be able to equip both melee and ranged weapons, but they took it out for streamlining. I doubt they’ll bring it back, as much as I miss it.

Yes, Rogue definitely suits them as an option.

Actually, I think of my Rogue here as a melee Ranger. That angle works well for Dark Rangers too.


Yep, for warriors it was pretty useless other than pulling mobs.
I’d like a pair of swords on my hunter =[

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RIP Thrown Weapons. :cry:

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Yeah, least they still have the ability that does it, but you don’t get to choose the kind of weapon.

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I wish they had’ve made Thrown weapons into full auto-attack capable Ranged weapons and let Hunters use them. Then we would’ve been able to recreate a WC3 Troll Headhunter.


That would be pretty cool.
I also think a Two-handed weapon type of pistols would have been cool.
could be dual hand crossbows or dual pistols whatever.
It’d be a two hand weapon, but visually appear in both hands.

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Yeah, they even had this in the WoW TCG. It was actually a Ranged dual wield ability.

That’s pretty cool.
Would be a great option.
I’ve also seen people saying they’d like flails are a more common weapon type. I can only really think of one, being the legendary weapon for…was it warriors?

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Warriors and Paladins both got a flail. They were the Mage Tower Artifact appearances, sadly unobtainable now.

Things becoming unobtainable sucks.
I never got around to doing much of the mage tower, so missed out.
I don’t really support anything being made unobtainable.


Bump for Dark Ranger customization options for Belves!