Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

human dark ranger like nathanos!

Yeah, That’d be really cool as well!

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A human model toggle for Forsaken would be great for fresh Undead. I’d even take an option not to be hunched over.


Just renewed my sub to prepare for prepatch, and I’m back again on the forums to help support Dark Rangers!

Here’s to hoping the expansion delay gives Blizzard enough time to add them in!


I recently saw some gifs/vids on twitter that were more upright.
That combined with the “fresh” skin option and hair and beard options like the regular humans looked quite good. Still not exactly like Nathanos, but it was a big improvement.


Yay this topic is still going strong


And I aim to keep it that way! :smiley:


Good thats just what it needs everyone breathing fresh life into the undead elf customization we all need


id love this!
idk if its going to happen because i feel like i cursed it with my presence but i hope it happens!


Another theory about the Dark Ranger’s Pupil. Not really a theory, as there isn’t really much to work with, but this apprentice dark ranger of Velonara’s- it isn’t clear whether Prelus is an advanced undead, or just your basic type. But the quest does mention a brother… I wonder if the brother is going to get sacrificed like Nathanos’ cousin was in dark mirror to give him an advanced body. It’s very unclear how this would happen considering the status of the story, but… it’s just a guess.


That’s actually very interesting theory you have. But it mentions that Prelus and subsequently, Velonara disappeared after getting a letter from his brother. As far as I remember the questline was supposed to take place in the Scarlet Monastery which makes me think that the Scarlets have something do with their disappearance. Plus, no more Val’kyr in Forsaken ranks means that the ritual that created Nathanos probably can’t be replicated.

Maybe his brother was part of the Scarlet Crusade which makes him likely to be human or Forsaken and maybe his brother lured him there in hopes of capturing him. If he disappeared during a training mission then it won’t be as clear. His name sounds like one a Night Elf or a Blood Elf would use.

But it is evident that the questline has undergone changes from the original instance as it has been changed to be compatible with Shadowlands leveling as well new details (questline named, Velonara’s pupil named, and added to the beta’s data not the PTR) and more than likely is being reused for a customization unlock. The fact that it’s not on the PTR, and hasn’t been removed during the duration of the beta implies that it’s not done yet.

The question is, why is it taking them so long to finish the quest when the NPC options can be made easily available?


I would love some Undead Elves! AKA Darkfallen/San’layn, and/or Dark Ranger skins. Most Dark Rangers are Rogues or Hunters, but some can be Monks, if you think about it. Shadow Priest and Affliction Warlock would work nicely with them too.


How about a Dark Ranger class first…?

PS Nice Necro!

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Nice necro? This thread has never been inactive. :confused:


Well that depends on what I’m referring to as “necro” when I say “necro”.

So it’s either “my bad” or “a compliment”. It’s hard to tell though. :wink:

Okay. Whatever you say. :confused:


LOL! Touche! :wink:

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Support for Dark Rangers!


I can understand people wanting more customisation for their races but I’d like other races to receive more attention after how pampered elves have been treated in terms of customisation compared to other races. Perhaps they could work on more general things that benefit everyone like being able to adjust weight slightly (don’t want people to go full 500 pounds or just straight up rip off other races (fat human = kul’tiran).

Personally I entirely disagree. Blood Elves got a lot of jewelry with no variety, and that’s about it. The players here would like customization for elves, we’re not saying other races shouldn’t get things either. But the fact of the matter is, we disagree that Blood Elves have been pampered by any means when it comes to customization. Night Elves? Sure. Blood Elves? Big no. We barely got new hair styles, and in very low number as compared to others.

Most of the feedback has been against the boring, clunky jewelry with no variety. Many did not ask for it. We asked for tattoos and scarring. Quantity = / = quality, big time. It doesn’t appeal to many of those (I assume, and in my case) that would like Dark Rangers. It simply does not.

I know people would like to push the narrative that blood elves got tons so we get nothing more, but it’s not going to work. Blood elf players are speaking up and will continue to. And I suggest players of core races do the same and promote what they want as opposed to slamming others.