Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Continuing to show my support for the Darkfallen skin and hair options to be given to Blood Elves… and perhaps even de-tentacled versions of the Void Elf hair styles (which I think would look exquisite on Dark Ranger or San’layn themed Blood Elves)


But it’s in the beta files?

Edit: Just checked and it is definitely in the Shadowlands beta data files.


Yeah, the old versions of the quests are “no longer available” (as if they were ever available) and this one is “new”.


It sounds like something’s in the works for the quest line then. There’s no reason it would remove all of the older ones and leave this new one if they weren’t going to do something with this.


exciting! good luck to all of us!


Good luck to you guys! Hope that quest leads to something good.


Warcraft badly needs sub-classes to fill some of these gaps.

Hunter Sub-classes so far:
Dark Ranger
Shadow Hunter

Warlock Sub Classes:
Shadow Mage

Paladin Sub Classes
Elune Paladin
Loa Paladin

The paladin one I think falls under where exactly do they draw their powers from. The Zandalari Paladins used the light of the Loa. Night Elf paladins could be a thing drawing their power from Elune.

Subclasses need seperate spell effects. Talents can remain the same, but for example Consecration from a Night Elf paladin needs to be purple or just darker. Consecration from the Zandalari needs to have a more tribal look and feel.

Dark Rangers can shoot shadow projectiles and their abilities have point/dots more so than direct damage. Shadow Hunters are Melee with Loa influenced abilities.

Just spit balling but yeah sub-classes based on the race you choose for your class is kinda overdue.

Remember I am talking cosmetics not damage or anything. At the end of the day the damage or whatever they bring to the table can remain the same as far as numbers are concerned.


There’s already a Dark Ranger appearance toy in the game. Red eyes and all.

Silver. Silvery moon lilght.


There’s also been a toy that made you look like a Demon Hunter in the game since Cataclysm, yet they made them playable in Legion. Plus the Dark Ranger toy breaks upon entering combat.


Hey even better. I really like the slivery idea sounds awesome lol.

Please blizzard do it lol


Not to mention that stupid toy doesn’t even put the visuals on your toon model nor follows the gender of your toon. It’s 100% useless and not a viable excuse, nor what people want.

Hate it when people bring up useless toys trying to say “OH YOU HAVE IT”. Big. Fat. No. Also cooldowns are a thing. People shouldn’t have to deal with cooldowns for customization they want, end of story.


I well know. Obviously the dark ranger toy is merely a toy. It seems like it has a long CD. It is however, an indicator that they could create a cosmetic option for that if they chose. As toys go, it’s pretty ok for my female characters. Additionally, I did not say we had the full appearance option in game. I said we have a toy for the appearance.

When you word it like “there’s already” it implies that there isn’t a need to add anything additionally. That’s what people say when trying to dismiss options-- “already”. I’d assume itd be better to say it like “this could work for now but actual options would be appreciated” to sound less dismissive.

Which people say all the time to try and dismiss the idea, especially with that wording. Hence my reaction as it’s extremely common.

Regardless? Hopefully those that like dark rangers will get more than a toy soon for their characters. If the toy is an indicator that options are on their mind, that’d be great. Arakkoa skeleton is, after all, and it was added to Zandalari boomkin.


Yeah, the toy isn’t good enough. Not to mention its broken on the PTR. I want to always have the option to be a Dark Ranger. I want to be able to finally fight as one and not wait hours and hours to be able to use the appearance again.


they don’t. it should be part of the forsaken line up of customization along with humans.

Calling it, right now, they’re gonna treat the pale skin and red eye customization for Blood Elves like the “Night Warrior” Customization Option for Nelfs.

They’re going to put it behind quests in the continuing plot of the Shadowbringers Campaign. Everyone’s going to Minge about it, and by the time act three drops a year and a half from now, it’ll be trivial, and everyone will do it, and we’ll have more Dark Rangers running around than what Sylvanas made when she was still in charge of the Forsaken.


I mean this totally sounds like a really great idea. I would totally enjoy having a rp quest where I turn into a Dark Ranger


It does?! Oh no, don’t say that, or it’ll never Happen! You know how Blizz are with “Good Ideas” that they don’t come up with!


Void Elves will have to wait. This is the time for core races. They are just getting leftovers until they are due for their looks.