Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

T & E mentioned Dark Rangers again.


It’s good to see someone famous and liked by Blizzard goes out of their way to give attention to our cause. <3


Please give Blood Elves more customizations, this underrepresented race has been left forgotten for so long. :cry:


since we’re rhymin
i might as well chime in -
bump the thread,
give belfs the undead
dark rangers are their kin
so they recall where they’ve been.

:grimacing: :grin:


I was thinking about the significance of Velonara’s disappearance from the Embassy and I realized that Blizz almost never changes where a secondary character is unless there is a reason. For example, (and yes I know Sylvanas isn’t a secondary character) when Sylvanas became warchief they moved her to Orgrimmar.

They moved Sylvanas to reflect a change in the game, an event of significance, as an example. With Sylvanas’ betrayal, Velonara becomes the most important Dark Ranger in the Horde. When spoken to at the embassy she gives the dialogue that most of us on this thread are now familiar with. Then on the PTR she disappears from everywhere she once was except the hunter class hall from Legion (probably because of the secret quest.)

So there has to be a reason for Velonara’s disappearance, otherwise they’d leave her there. No work needed unless an event of significance was to occur. When you add the missing 8.1 Velonara quest to the mix, it makes me draw the conclusion that perhaps her disappearance is connected to that.

I get the feeling that we’ll be rewarded with Dark Ranger options for completion of the questline.


I was really excited when I saw the datamined blood elf customization with the red eyes. Been roleplaying back and forth as a dark ranger since Legion now. Really hope they do add the option ;-;


There was a scrapped quest for her? How have i never heard about this until now? Lol.

Same here. If there was Dark Ranger customization in the game i could finally make my Blood Elf Huntress the way I’ve always imagined her to be.


i disagree. i believe theres goin to be a allied race sanlaynn / darkfallen option in shadowlands.
have hope friend.


Thank you for your kind words. I will try. This year has been really hard on me. It’s been hard on every one really.


Took some pictures of my Huntress wearing her favorite Dark Ranger mog while in some zones to fit the theme.

Here’s my girl, Horizon, alongside her trusty pet spider, Princess.



Please give us Dark Ranger customization options, Blizzard. Let me live my dreams! :slight_smile:


just give us a skin and the eye color options and that’s all we need-- would make a lot of people happy and would be fair considering the alliance versions have access to void cosmetics


Sure. Right after void elves get red and Alleria yellow hair.

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blah blah blah, You can’t have a thing till I have mine, blah blah blah.


I know, right? Isn’t that silly and a little childish for them to say? Especially considering they got customization options during the base race pass and didn’t have to wait like the other AR. I can’t understand why people think this kind of thing is a contest. They want something and we want something. There needn’t be any order to obtaining it so long as it happens.

I hope Velf’s do get normal hair colors because I know what it’s like to want something so badly and have people tell me to shut up. I know what it’s like to wait over a decade for something I want.


The core race of Blood Elves during core race customizations definitely shouldn’t have customization held hostage on account of an AR that’s already received more than any other AR and more meaningful customization than that same core race it parallels, mirrors, and looks identical to. It’s absurd to me.


Keep it up! We can do this.


Aye. The general idea people have that we’re all against one another is half the reason the forums are seen as hostile.

Yeah. You’d think helf folk would get that…

Exactly! I cannot fathom that mindset.

Dark Rangers for the Horde!



Not scrapped (hopefully), but delayed or incomplete.

“Nathanos has been training a new generation of rangers. They represent both our past, and our future.”
Make it so. Make it happen blizz. We are waiting.

Also, I’m pretty sure the hunters shooting at target dummies did not always use that Dark-rangery looking arrow animation. Whatever it is, I want it.


It’s still in the files in Shadowlands? Guess that’s more points towards my theory written a few posts above.

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Yeppers. It’s been slowly evolving since 8.1. Gave Velonara’s pupil a name, and it seems like they couldn’t decide who the quest would be available for. I think the storyline name “Memento of the Dark Rangers” is new too. Still no follow-up quests though, and I can’t find it on PTR… But at least it exists somewhere.