Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Isn’t all the art spectacular? I love seeing all of the Dark Ranger art as well as all the art for other customization requests. It’s amazing.


I just learned that Dark Ranger Velonara is no longer in her spot near the Embassy in Orgrimmar in Beta. And the Dark Ranger toy is experiencing difficulties as it appears the skins are broken.

This quote is from Elvira on EU forums.

"In the beta the demon hunter skins are broken, suddenly the dark ranger toy is experiencing the same issue as demon hunters (it used to not , and the eyes used to be more red than usual).

8.1.5 had a Dark Ranger Velonara quest where she was missing it did not make it to live, and suddenly she is not in her spot in Orgrimmar which is outside the allied race hub.

Also during datamining purple eyes/ red eyes were datamined as npc, but the purple went to the void elves.

With Exile’s Reach coming what more incentive for players to test it can they give if not an allied race."


Wait, these purple eyes? I know velves get some purple eyes, but they’re glowier and don’t have pupils. Are they getting these ones now too?

Dunno, I’m just delivering a message I found stuffed in bottom from Europe. Wished I had beta so I could verify this stuff.


I don’t have Beta, but Velonara also seems to missing from the PTR. I couldn’t find her anywhere near the Embassy.


Maybe that could mean something? Let’s hope!


I thought maybe she could be missing because she’s possibly part of the pre patch event in some way? I haven’t done any of the pre patch quests on the PTR yet so i don’t know. I might do them later while keeping my eye out for her or anything related to Dark Rangers.


I would be very grateful if you could check for me. :smiley:


Okay so i wasn’t able to do the pre patch quests since they’re currently disabled on the PTR at the moment, which is a bummer since i wanted to play through it and look for things relating to Velonara and the Dark Rangers. However, i was still able to find a few Dark Ranger related things on the PTR anyway that you guys might find interesting.

First of all the toy that turns you into a Dark Ranger is completely bugged. This is what it currently looks like on the PTR.

And Dark Ranger NPC’s seem to have this weird grey dot on each of their eyes. Forsaken eyes also seem to have this problem at the moment, only the dot is red for them.

I also looked for Velonara in many of the places where you used to be able to find her (like near Nathanos on the Banshee’s Wail for example) and wasn’t able to find her in any of them. Haven’t checked the Hunter Order Hall yet though, will look for her there later.

Edit: I found her in the Hunter Order Hall. She thankfully hasn’t completely disappeared from the face of Azeroth.


Veeeery interesting. With all of these odd bugs relating to Dark Rangers and their textures maybe they’re doing texture work for some reason. Maybe our dream could be coming reality?


Bump. Bump. Bump, okay?

I’m really hoping to see some Undead textures at launch for Blood Elves.

Some Elven options for Forsaken would be great too for the sake of player agency as well as giving Forsaken players the ability to embrace an aspect of their races culture they can embrace on their own terms as opposed to having to play a Blood Elf, which isn’t right for everyone.


I just realized something. Dark Rangers could have access to the Thalassian language, as well as the Forsaken one. Would be a cool RP element for them to have.


Agreed, this could be a neat racial quirk to add to any different racial groups when applicable.


Dark Ranger options would be better than playable Venthyr imo.


If this extends to both Blood Elf Dark Rangers and Undead Dark Rangers, that gives me that many more people I can talk to in Thalassian who’ll reply in Orcish.

Why do they always reply in Orcish? :sob:



Herpy burpy bumpity boo. I want Dark Ranger options! How about you?


I do too! :slight_smile:


I want Dark Ranger options too!