Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Read the title. We’re not asking for a class, we’re asking for Dark Ranger Customizations. That means we’re asking for the skintone and eyes used on the Dark Ranger NPCS. You would have known that if you bothered reading.

We’re not asking for a race either, we’re asking for customization.


Officially speaking, they are just undead elfs.

We call them Dark Rangers because that what they are called in game in CANON.

I will ignore you from now on since you are obviously a very bad troll.


Dark Ranger is a class, not a race. Dark Rangers are undead elves.

That’s like calling every still-living elf a Ranger.

Again, I have no beef with allowing non-DK classes undead tones and such.

You are making this such an issue. The only thing people want are skin tones and red eyes for blood elves? I don’t see where the fake outrage is coming from.


The topic is labeled… Poorly. I’d thought it a class request. Again, as stated above, I have no issue with non-DKs having access to undead skintones (though that’s still a bit weird as well).

I jumped at the thread because I thought this a CLASS request, and I was not about that.

I sure wish people would read more than the title before jumping to conclusions. :roll_eyes:


Why waste time read lot word when few word enough to troll?


It would be cool if Void Elves got this customization option.

I just think it should be added to all elfs to be honest…

you don’t need to retcon or stretch lore at all to have a good reason why all void elfs, blood elfs, night elfs (well maybe you do need to stretch it a little if you wanna add nightborne to the mix) can have this customization added to them

I don’t think it should be for us to be honest. I haven’t seen an instance where void elves have been raised. It’s been such a blood elf (and now night elf) theme, i want to respect that.


Agreed. I didn’t say just VE. BE should get the option too.

You could say the “High” elf dark rangers in the alliance are simply regular high elfs, instead of void elves but I can see your reasoning.

Still even without them, The alliance still has a strong case on why they should get Night Elf Dark Rangers.


Speaking of I can’t wait for the San’layn AR.


Didn’t know my thread was labeled so poorly. I thought maybe, just maybe most people would have a reading comprehension above 1st grade level and would understand. Guess someone found another thing I should feel bad about in my life as if I don’t have enough. I am so woefully poor at labeling things, it’s one of my life’s terrible curses.

Edit: Improved the thread title.


You are amazing, please don’t forget that Balesong. Side note and question, can DK change their eyecolors in the upcoming expansion because i was bummed when i saw that Demon Hunters couldn’t become “Night Warriors”


I honestly don’t get why Dks are stuck with blue eyes when there is literally a Red eyed Dk in plain sight in the Ebonhold…

They should have made it so you could have either blue, green or red eyes so DKs could match their favorite spec.


You’re joking right?

It says “Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread” not " Dark Rangers Class Request Thread".

The only thing poor here is your ability to understand.


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