Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

Will definitely use the additions on my Warlock should they come, but now I am thinking about a Rogue, Velonara being citation for Dark Rangers staying is amazing, but I’m head canoning my characters as Banshee Queen Loyalists. A rogue kind of fits that, though I’m unsure if I’ll like the play style…

Still no news from Blizzard still is a rain cloud for now :confused:

Look forward to seeing this hopefully soon, and all the possibilities people take with their characters from it… assuming they deliver on player agency to Blood Elves too and not just an AR.


Apparently there’s going to be another round of new Customizations after SL launch.

So even if Dark Rangers/San’layn don’t come before Launch it may still come in the Xpac.


They’re both “customizing” characters using already existing assets!



15 days before you responded, was not something I expected. Lol


I love the idea, but hope it comes for NE’s too after the Sira events in the new book.


I love the idea of Dark Rangers. Maybe even give some to the Forsaken, but have them be locked to only Rogue and Hunter, so if a Forsaken Rogue or Hunter wants to be a Dark Ranger, then they may choose to be.

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If they’re gonna give it as an option to Forsaken, why bother class locking it? I’d rather it be available to all classes, personally.


The Blood Elf player fantasy isn’t really being about undead, though.

It might happen, I guess. Trolls are getting Sandfury skins, Dwarves are getting Wildhammer tattoos, and those aren’t meant to take away from being able to portray those things.

Seems to me that giving a living race customization to look like a very recognizable undead archetype is a broader leap.

Personally I’m in favour of DR being added as a model toggle to Undead, but I seem to be in the minority on this.

Though it would certainly be easier for Blizzard to just flip the switch to allow the skin and eyes to be available to belves, rather than create a model toggle option for Undead.

As long as they add them in some way, I’ll be happy.


As Lann often points out, Velonara’s dialogue suggests she sees herself and the other Dark Rangers as elves and Forsaken.

So while I get the undead toggle idea, I suspect the implementation would just be simpler to add to blood elves.

On the other hand, the classes would make more sense for Forsaken.

If they add Dark Rangers, I hope they do not class lock them.


Agreed. Arbitrary class locks seem unnecessary.


When I want to go Dark Ranger, I transmog to the Ruthless Gladiator set. It’s quite perfect.

I’d prefer not to be stuck to one transmog to actually look like a dark ranger. Customization would allow me to be one all the time.


Not to mention the same options work for those looking to play as a member of the San’layn.


Some people seem to prefer Dark Rangers being added to the Undead, but on a logistical level it would likely be far easier and make the addition itself much more likely if they were to add it to Blood Elves.

BUT for those who would want it for Forsaken they could just add an option for Thalassian features such as eyebrows and ears to Undead so both races could live out their Undead fantasy.

This also wouldn’t undermine adding Undead customizations to Blood Elves as they could also be representative of San’layn as well who, like Dark Rangers themselves still draw on their Thalassian culture. I merely suggest the additions as a nod to Forsaken players as well as Blood Elf players.


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I am in agreement. Why not both? Although, Forsaken racials on Dark Rangers would be awesome and make them feel undead as they’re supposed to be.

Sorry, I haven’t been posting much guys, my property manager is refusing to renew my lease so I have to get out by the end of August. So I’m trying to find a place and even have a fundraiser going so I don’t have to be homeless.


I’m sorry, people messing with your home really sucks. I was dropped on my bottom myself a few years ago after I had to leave a crappy living situation and just got back on my feet recently.

I really hope everything works out for you :purple_heart:


Hoping to hear of some good news soon but every week that passes that growing press (x) to doubt increases.


Bump for Spook’dorei!


Dark Rangers for all!