Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I need this.

It’s the only customization that matters.


Daily post from grandma. I want to have red eyes so I’m properly shown in game as I RP.


I haven’t said anything for a bit so…

Dark ranger skins and eyes for Belfs!


If we can’t have San’layn, then Dark Ranger options, for Blood Elf, will be the next thing I want.


THank you all for your continued support~

With Velonara loyal to the Horde, do you think she will be the Horde’s new Dark Ranger representative now that Sylvanas flew the coop? I can’t remember for sure, but I think she’s the only named Dark Ranger (that I know of) with any presence on the Horde.


Posting my continued support for this and I’m hoping the next Belf Update includes these finally.


Grandma is up early. Supporting this.

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Seems she is being set up that way. I also noticed Dark rangers manning the Main Gate into Ogrimmar so I’m thinking they are sticking around more or less which is interesting to me.
As for loyalty to the New Horde…I don’t know, I know the PC that plays the loyalist questline gets told to lay low etc so loyalties are open to question here I’d think.


Just another post supporting the inclusion of Darkfallen customization options for Blood Elves so players can make San’layn and Dark Ranger themed characters!


Yes! We have one hundred likes on the OP!

Velonara has a little dialogue after the Horde Council forms stating that she’s loyal to the Horde as well as many other Dark Rangers. She was very unhappy with Sylvanas’ betrayal.


Yeah I saw that what I’m questioning is does she speak for all the remaining dark rangers or just herself and a few others. For example this toon stayed loyal to Sylvanis and is told at the end to continue to hide my true alignment until she returns in glory. How many Dark Rangers is that the case for? Obviously Not Velonara but are there others that stay behind hiding their true colors so to speak? It is an open question with just about everybody within the Horde IMO reguardless of race.

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Considering there are still Dark Rangers within the Horde, it would be great to make them represented playable-wise in some fashion, possibly as customization options.

It would be great for role-players, and if they become customization options for Blood Elves, it could give San’layn a chance to be their own race. If anything, it could be like with the male Orcs, where you switch between the models for each gender and have different customization options. Maybe edit the voices to have a bit of echo to them like most undead do.

I’m all for making different members of the Horde that are not currently playable in some fashion into playable races, be it as their own race or as a customization race. I’m sure there are lots of storyline potential with the Dark Rangers, especially with Sylvanas abandoning the Horde.

Consider me a supporter. :skull:


Thank you!


Blood Elf Additions/Improvements

  • Dark Ranger Skin and Red Eye options and San’layn Fang/Claw/Bat-like Ear options. (San’layn options could be done through a Night Warrior type quest in Revendreth)
  • Rune Tattoos like the TBC Boxart in Green/Gold/Blue/Red/Faded. (Same as Eye Colors)
  • Black/Rose Gold Jewelry options with Choker and Nose/Eyebrow Ring options. And Jewelry for both genders.
  • Strawberry Blond Hair.
  • Nightborne/Void Elf Styled Haircuts along with Wizard Beards!
  • Scar and Damaged Ear options.

Hope we see these things added.


Great ideas everyone! Thanks Drede for putting yours into an easily read list.


passes out candy

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Not sure if anyone here noticed, but there is dark rangers hanging outside of Orgrimmar. I am not sure how long they have been there.


They’ve been there since BfA launched in 2018. That’s 2 years ago.


You sure? I never noticed them till recently.

Though I don’t hang out outside the gate often.

In either case they’re there and a part of the Horde and I know Velanora(?) says they were duped too and that they stand with the Horde after Sylvie flees.

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I would prefer to see undead elves added as a Forsaken customization.

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