Dark Ranger Customization Options Request Thread

I personally want them as customization. I think it would be a nice way to balance void elf skins and add a long requested group to the Horde.

I’m also biased cause I came up with a story about mine… But that’s neither here nor there…


I, too, would love both San’layn and Dark Ranger options for Blood Elves, if not their own races.

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I would also prefer the Dark Ranger aesthetic as a customization option rather than confined to a class as other classes could use the aesthetic as well, silly as it may look on a Paladin, though lowkey meaty.

Then again there are Night Elf Dark Rangers too, so they could do the same thing as Demon Hunters, but that’s probably not the best idea.


I am truly hoping this is revealed soon it just would go along way with a lot of BE fans I think, me personally being one of them of course, but I see the request echoed in other threads too which is nice to see but until its here I have my worries / doubts.


I understand your doubts and worries, which is why I’m trying to post at least once in each thread and keep whatever conversation and contributions going that I can as I to desire these options as they’d help flesh Blood Elves more, as well as fulfill a lot of players wishes.


Its important to continue requesting what you’re looking for. If you didn’t Blizzard wouldn’t have a good way to know you’re interested. :stuck_out_tongue:

Dark Rangers, or Fallen Elves, for the Horde!


Grandma dark ranger wants red eyes.

Will mail multiple bags of butterscotch grandma candies to Blizzard.


Dark Ranger customization might get me to finally roll a hunter. I do love the look and the lore.


Time for a bump.


Time for Blizzard to reveal the customization options for BEs to have a second theme like VEs now get two themes and hopefully they realize a lot of BE fans are eagerly awaiting news!

crosses fingers


I think the best way to implement San’layn and Dark Ranger options would be to have to have the Red Eyes and Undead Skin be separate options.

Have the San’layn Bat-like Ears and Fangs be a linked option separate from the others.

Then you can chose to be a Fresh Slain Dark Ranger/San’layn, or a Full Dead looking Dark Ranger/San’layn.


I do hope blizzard has this in the plans. Makes a lot of sense.


I already know how I want my character to look with the customizations :sob: I am as you know very vocal about this topic! I too hope the request is seen and answered!


In addition to this, I’d have some decay options as well tied to San’layn and Dark Rangers.


I would not be mad at a tear like customization for both genders available to the undead Dark Ranger customization like I’ve seen recommended before too!

Something like those tears could be an option?

Not a necessity but something cool all the same!


Actually if one looks there are quite a few Dark Ranger mog options .

This is my Velf hunter in her Dark Ranger mog it is similar to Dark Ranger Lenara the recruiter at the Hunter Class Hall

It’s not really the mog options I’m looking for it’s the physical appearance such as red eyes and undead skins. <3 But yeah that mog looks great on her. <3 This is the character that will be my dark ranger.

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I would love the Sylvanas/Forsaken tears, it would help make them more unique among the Blood Elf aesthetic. San’layn could have tears of blood as well.

Tossing in my support for Darkfallen aesthetic options for Blood Elves so that players can make San’layn & Dark Ranger characters!

Come on Blizz! The work is already done for the most part! Just flip the switch!


This is my San’layn character. I made her as pale as I could with off white platinum hair, to make her look pallid as opposed to bright. I also did it to make her yellow eyes look more menacing as while they’re not my favorite shade of yellow/gold, they serve this purpose well.