Dark Iron Dwarf Guild?

Is there a Dark Iron Dwarf guild here? If not what dwarf guilds are recruiting?


While there isn’t currently a notable Dark Iron guild, to my knowledge, the dwarf community has a good number of Dark Irons and guilds that accept them. Dark Irons and the other dwarves have had a shared government for quite a few years now.

Here’s the Mead Hall info, which is that dwarf community. Come on by and have a chat, and I’d be happy to help you find a spot in one of the dwarf guilds.

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Thanks. Greatly appreciated.

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Makes me yearn for the Good ol’ days of her Majesty’s Royal Court o’ Thaurissan.


Since Mead Hall’s already been listed, here’s another guild that accepts Dark Irons into their fold that I know of! There are more than likely plenty of guilds out there that I’m still unaware of (I’m still learning things on this server Alliance-side), because there is no shortage of awesome dwarven roleplayers on this server! I think it has to be the best server to be a dwarf!

I hope you find a home that is best for your Dark Iron! For Queen Moira!

The Mead Hall is the dwarf community, not a guild. The guild you just linked is one of the ones that is part of the Hall! Battlestein has some of my favorite dwarves, but I always suggest that a new beard take a look around before picking a guild - mostly because your guild doesn’t matter in the Hall!


Oh, I see! Thank you for clarifying! :+1:

That is why I came to this server - heard there was a good level of dwarf roleplayers. I am still learning Alliance side myself. I haven’t played Alliance since about 6 months to a year after launch.