Dance Of The Dead 2023 - Oct 20th & 21th - 25 Million Gold In Prizes

This is true; this is Persefani; my character holds a Foreign Affairs position.

I want to be clear, though: Blackwater wouldn’t have been present if we were not hired, and Stone runs the guild for those things. Alliance could have hired us but didn’t. You know how this works, Terez; you have hired us for jobs in the past.

I am not going to apologize for the RP in the RP-PVP event. We were engaged for one job: get the prisoners from the bounty sheets we were given. We absolutely DID come across other prisoners, and we absolutely DID take a look at them and leave them. Many died because of this. So, if we would like to separate IC and OOC, I would appreciate that.

And I will repeat it for the people in the back: before the ‘Arthas did no wrong’ god and everybody, we would have peeled off no matter what. That is what mercenaries do.

I don’t care what the Scarlets did.
I don’t care what the pro-Alliance did.

BEYOND the event, I fully agree that in the future, we should have multiple runs for people who are pro-Alliance and another that is for Others (Scarlets, Priates, Neutrals, whatever). So that there is more cohesion in goals from the beginning. This improvement can and should be made, and I have also recommended it to the staff.

I also think murderball of the horde could use a different tactic to make it more interesting/fun, but just like the Mercs ditched for our own thing, murderball is a tactic.

However, it was not good for them to be by the safe zone or the graveyard. When this happened, they were told to move. They did move. But like a bunch of toddlers in soccer that swarm it, it is easy to drift swarming, and I fully believe it was not intentional. The recommendation has been to clearly identify the horde and alliance graveyards to avoid them like we do the Argent towers.


Just as the RP-PvP nerd and speaking only to the event once the hunt was started since thats my lane, 60v40 as an accepted ratio of players is little different than 20v40. 2:3 rather than 1:2 for the hard maths.

If 60v40 was allowed, this would give the Alliance players the opportunity to dedicate more players to the event as a whole to rescue their prisoners. It sounds like Alliance and Scarlets were making a distinction between Scarlet and Alliance prisoners, Horde was not. Even if allowing the 60v40 to happen and it had evened up the murderball fights, the event as a whole would be an objective and systematic disadvantage for the Horde. Hence why it needed to remain 40v40.

I do not discount the subjective, and real, disadvantages you all had faced. Speaking only to the actual PvP and fighting, it sucks and I am sorry the two groups could not coordinate better. From my outside perspective to everything, I am a RP-PvP peon here, that is what had done the Alliance side in. All of the details of how I would suggest coordinating with individuals on that officer/GM level, if anything can be repaired at this point.

I will add, however, that there were many times where it was called out in Horde chat that constantly engaging with one group left us distracted from the objective, allowing for more prisoners to be rescued. I believe even once calling it the stalling group, or something to that effect. Had this been a bit more cohesive that would have been an absolutely winning strat, especially if folks piled tanks and healers just to keep the murder blob distracted. It sucks to die, but dieing in the name of the objective can be fun when planned/communicated.

We, as the Horde raid, did not purposefully avoid the Scarlet group. I recall, personally, calling out their location once or twice during the event. Again from a personal perspective, I two shotted a poor Scarlet pali on the road from them, tried to 2v1 a couple Scarlets for a prisoner too, and had many other skirms where I died.

Lastly, Sunfury is just as much an RP guild as anyone else. They also so happen to know how to PvP fairly well (No one will ever beat Da Crew!), many coming from ED just like myself and surely a number on Alliance side too. RP guilds do run content, PvP or PvE. This event favored those who PvP’d more than others. Sunfury was also there for the Memorial March, have attended other RP events in the past hosted by various MG guilds, and of course do their own. Most everyone I saw had a TRP and if they didn’t, I wouldn’t blame someone for turning it off for a PvP centered event. RP names do not always line up with character names when we’re target calling.

So can we improve the PvP side of this event? Sure, of course! I really like the idea of a Scarlet and Alliance night. Means more PvP and RP for me regardless on what character I come on and side I fight for (could do all 3 wherever numbers are needed!). The party system seems interesting too and could be a lot of fun 5v5 fights (or massacres with groups of 4 rogues and a resto druid). I am sorry OOC coordination did not work out well, be it on an IC or OOC level - I’d be someone who is willing to put aside the IC aspect of it for the sake of the event and your ‘hostile’ allies are just nameless NPC allies who fought with you- but hopefully in the future that can be resolved not just for this event but all potential RP-PvP events. We really do need more.


Off, off, off with your head.
Dance, dance, dance 'til you’re dead.
Off, off, off with your head.
Dance, dance, dance 'til you’re dead.

I am still surprised this is going on. And at 166 replies now.

All I’m going to say is, if you’re really looking to do a dance of the dead, Heigan the Unclean has a safety dance for you in Naxxramas.

Shall we dance?


Damn, I can’t believe I read 150+ posts to validate my guess from post #8… Moon Guard Alliance is incapable of organizing and handling themselves in a professional way.

Edit: Ok saying post #1 is wrong, that was just the ad and I was being glib.


Thank you to the insane donations and more than have come in to support Dance Of The Dead 2023! Our prize pool is officially over 25 million gold!

-----------------------FRIDAY NIGHT--------------------------------

-Special Guest: John Staat, Blizzard Dungeon designer, and debugger from Alpha into Cata. Creator of Warcraft’s most iconic dungeons, such as the Scholomance and more! He will discuss game design, early Warcraft development, behind-the-scenes insight into the creation of dungeons such as Karazhan, and more!

-PVP Duel Tournament with info in our discord.

-Costume Contest with info in our discord.

Our 2023 charity is The Wounded Warrior Project, is now live! Our charity fundraiser helps disabled veterans get important services, medical care, and more. This charity fundraiser was inspired by our special guest on Saturday, Michael McConnohie.

Do you realize thats a textbook way of crappy people making themselves look even halfway decent? Every scumbag supports charities because it makes their public image look great. Just because something or someone supports a charity doesnt free them from scrutiny and backlash when they screw up. If anything turning a blind eye BECAUSE they support a specific charity is the stupidest thing someone can do.


Amazing! I love the community’s ability to come together in the face of adversity to continue to have a great event.

Its been an honor to organize the market and vendors for this and we have some great guilds and groups coming out with interactive games and booths!

We have a great Costume Contest tonight and a PvP duel as well if a market isn’t your style. :ghost: :jack_o_lantern: :bat:


Awwww did I strike a nerve?

Is that all you have? Keep it classy. Good thing someone stood up and allowed you to have that freedom to say what you want.


This is all starting to take a turn I don’t believe you guys wish to take. The grievances have been well aired and I feel maybe your time may be better spent doing other things.


Seriously. People need to walk away and take it to private messages or officer channels. This thread is a stone’s throw from turning into a lecture about German generals when it is supposed to be about an event. I know for sure how upset some would be if the shoe was on the other foot.

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Just clarifying: Drezkian is not a member of our guild on any of their characters, nor do I believe they were present for the Dance as the one who coordinated the Alliance raid. They don’t represent any ‘you guys’ here.

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I was not there, but I do know a few who did go and are upset and I’m just here making comments and the like. I was at work at the time. All my character are either guildless or in my raiding guild that this character is in.

I don’t understand this. This is a server event to promote a charity and donations, while celebrating Hollows End. There are activities to do for entertainment and if there is one you felt is unfair or you disliked, why not just…not do it again?

When I was a GM of a Horde Guild. We were invited to a Flames of War event, in which we were treated terribly and like pawns ICly to favor the Alliance in RP-PVP, it sucked. So we decided to just not do it again. There was no need to freak out.

There’s a serious issue on this server with public temper tantrums because someone dislikes someone or because something isn’t going there way. This whole event wasn’t some PVP tournament, if it were? I’d understand a bit more. It truth? As an outsider who knows nothing of this. I find it very disturbing this is how people act for something meant for charity…


That wasn’t what was being implied at all. You should ask before making accusations. It was a broad statement to all in this thread.


I, for one, think that everyone that is upset about the events of the RP-PVP event needs to just take a step back, maybe far enough back to be outside, take a deep breath, and perhaps touch some grass… Its a video game. Its literally a video game. And you are all being childish. Did it have any impact on your life IRL? Other than the time spent to “train” for PVP? Time that you would have spent in game anyway, doing content, or RPing… Did it actually have any IRL impact? Are you getting demoted at work? Did your wife leave you and take the dog and the truck?

No? Well then perhaps its time to concentrate on what this event is really about. Promoting an awesome charity, and helping wounded veterans.

Get some help. Stop letting a video game dictate your life and feelings, and grow up.


Just because it is supporting a charity, does not absolve the disrespect, trolling, sabotage, and general insensitivity towards people offering credible feedback.

Also, the WWP is a terrible charity, and has constantly been in hot water for allocating funds for personal ‘projects’, and denying veterans services. This is just my personal experience with them, as they denied my friend a below-knee prosthetic because his income was not great enough.


Careful before they mass flag you for speaking out against them.

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Using your Eastvale main would be a better look for this.

https ://

https ://

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It won’t let me post on Dotmeharder for some reason, I was restricted to ‘3 posts’ for some reason. Doesn’t change anything except the name next to it, as it is not like I claimed to be anyone else.

But I appreciate how quick you are to check people posting, within 4 minutes searching CheckPvP is a new level of frantic I have yet to see.

Edit: added a sentence because lol