Damn, New World looks like total trash


If you think WoW does their worlds better, I’m sorry, but they really don’t. Not when their zones are intentionally designed to be horrendous to navigate on foot.


Looks like another sword and board game… yawn

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Hrmm I agree with that. Though UI design would depend on if we’re comparing base or elvui imo

WoW’s UI is famous for being terrible so much most people use add ons to replace it and as far a mechanics go. WoW are so absurd people need add ons so they work. Because at this point WoW is just an arms race between developing something and add ons.


I take is you haven’t been around these forums much over the last six or so months?


Why do you think?

Wow needs to step down already.

Yes, I do think WoW is still the biggest and most successful MMO ever from a historical perspective, but the mentality that WoW will always be #1 is what got the game into the bad state it has been in (designing content only for the competitive and “professional” players).

WoW cannot possibly be #1 forever if it continues to hemorrhage subs while other MMOs grow.

People compare every new MMO to WoW, because WoW has become the industry standard.

I do think that WoW in its current state is more to my taste, but New World has the potential to improve and grow from here on out.

It is possible that New World will fizzle out over time, but I think that it will have more staying power than Wildstar, for example, because it appeals to a broader gaming audience, and Amazon has the money and means to truly market the game if they so desire.

Anecdotally speaking, I have never personally seen so many WoW players taking a break from WoW to play another game as I have seen with New World. Even the day after weekly reset, WoW feels as dead as it typically does on a Monday night.

I’m watching a Twitch stream of the game, and for me, it looks so… generic. I mean, the way it looks/animates and all the UI stuff, just looks like an amalgamation of so many other games: Black Desert Online, Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter, etc… Now, those games can be fun to play, but, again, New World just looks like more of the same, at least on the surface. And for me, that’s just not very exciting.


It’s been pretty solid so far. Can’t speak from the endgame perspective yet so I can’t make a fair comparison but I’m happily letting this sub run out while I enjoy the new shiny thing.

Love the insecurity that shows when someone makes a forum post on a dying board about how bad another game looks. Don’t be scared, everything dies eventually.


Umm… May want to rethink that number, Ghost Rider. W.o.W. hasn’t seen those numbers in years.

Yep! That is why most are re-thinking on pre-purchasing W.o.W. future expansions. We have been burned in the past by Blizzard; most are tired of wasting money on something that might fail in future expansion.

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No it isn’t lmfao and it’s getting worse and worse. I was very hopeful for Shadowlands. I defended it all the way through 9.0. It’s bad, it’s getting worse and they only listen to us when it’s too late. Once my guild is finished with Sunwell in TBC I am out of here. I’ve played this game for since original TBC and I’ve just now come to the realization that the past 10 years playing this game have been a joke and a waste of time.

WoW is dying. Lots of guilds are disbanding, people are leaving in waves not seen since WoD (anecdotal), and their biggest content creators are all done. The only “big” ones left are Taliesen and Evitel and they’re going to defend every awful decision the developers make until their last days.

It’s time for a new MMO to take over. Probably not New World or Ashes, but FFXIV sure looks like “everyone’s #1 choice for an MMO” now.

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There is so much copium in this sentence to the point it is considered overdosing.

Seriously though, if WoW is still #1 choice for MMOs than why I haven’t heard a peep of anything Positive with WoW in the past couple of months and why did a mass exodus happen than? is this a fever dream? are we in a simulation?


For you to ponder.

I played this game. People say it is “WoW this” “WoW that” and frankly, no one who likes WoW would change for that. Has nothing to do with WoW. Not the art style, not the gameplay, not nothing.

When I played New World it reminded me more of Outriders, which is a FPS with little RPG elements.

Couldnt even stop playing WoW for a day while playing that game.

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New World seems fine to me. Its just that Amazon, as usual. LOVES to not advertise their own games out. Like, you would have never known about their previously made titles because they didn’t advertise a single byte about it.

A lot of their previously made titles, never saw the light of day.

I’m surprised this one did.

So BIG, I mean, whole screen, ad in Steam Store, and Epic Store. The MASSIVE give out of keys to streamers, and the huge campaign about it before actually releasing it is not advertisement ?

Two possibilities:

  • They did not
  • You dont pay enough attention

I don’t care one way or another to be honest

But I do laugh at all the streamers(Towelliee, Lore, Anniefuschia etc) who were so against playing WOW and such after the new of Blizzard bro culture, meanwhile Amazon Game Studios had the same problem and they’re right there cashing in on that gravy train.

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I only ever heard of it is through Youtubers, ended up getting it and played for a little bit. Didn’t care for it.

This is a MMO. I got so many advertisements for Tera, Final Fantasy 14, ESO, you name it. Not New World. They tried to get their advertisement through youtubers and likely just them. Which is where its falling apart. Remember, Jeff Bezos loves spending money on things for himself at this point, not his employees, safe to say its the same story for his marketing group. I’m no advertiser genius or even close to it but…I’m pretty sure they don’t know how to if I wasn’t even given a single advertisement of the game through my phone.

World of Warcraft
Daily Live Population Chart

“As of 9-30-2021: 1,110,246”

Yearly Population Chart


“We estimate that 2,220,474 people play per day, with a total player base of 116,867,069.”
This website is not considering how many alt accounts log ins per day, how many have two or more accounts.

What you just showed me in reading the charts is terrible for a company. Any regular business standards would have restructured long ago.
I mean this is nightmarish @#$%ing bad.

So… as you say…

in these numbers.