Just another copy/paste medieval MMO with boring combat.
Game’s definitely going to die in a month. Sorry, but there’s just no competing with WoW. It’s everyone’s #1 choice for MMO’s and always will be. Why do you think everyone compares it to New World?
Who cares and WoW will continue to decline.
wow has a preserved popularity that is just not true if you still think WoW. It’s everyone’s #1
your in a buble
It’s numbers are decent, and with Amazon behind it it’ll likely do ok. It’s not something that interests me though. No mounts, no tab targeting. That and I’ve seen so many hyped up new MMOs come and go that I know not to get too excited about it.
The game is pretty much like Albion or Runescape , a crafting and building game.
Imagine fishing in wow, but the entire game being like that. That’s it, to harvest one tree you will spending 20 seconds. 
This means its more oriented into a casual and relaxing MMO and is not super serious . I can see a demograph of players who would stick with it but its not gonna be the next big thing.
Yeah, I’m also thinking this game will not last for much longer than that.
People who haven’t played a game commenting on another games forums about it.
Lots of people like to PVP.
It’ll do fine only… and that’s only if Amazon doesn’t screw it up - but let’s face it - - companies stepping into a new field [mmo gaming] will usually screw it up somehow.
Wish 'em the best so that people can have a game they enjoy.
This abusive back and forth with WoW fans and other games is silly.
Play what you enjoy, and every game is dying 
It’s not trash at all. Pretty good actually, well worth $40. I can see why someone who hasn’t played it would think that though, there’s been a very vocal minority of malcontents following that game around since day 1 and they have predictably review-bombed it at launch.
I’ve never seen such a dedicated group of people hoping collectively that a game will crash and burn to the degree of people like you OP. So I counter your question with a question: Why?
Nah, even wowhead got into the FFXIV business now.
WoW is old news. The future is now old man.
True Blizzard shill post.
That’s how you know you’re the king, when everyone has to tell you how much better than you they are 
Every MMO that comes out has to have people come to the Wow forums and tell us about it.
Well, pray tell child, why have you felt the need to inform us about it? 
Volunteer marketing team on duty on the forums. Surely they can get different results in the future if they keep trying harder to do the same thing.
They need to expand the theme and add dragons, orcs, elves, etc., then it will look pretty attractive.
haha really? first day in GD? every other thread here is somebody explaining why they can’t wait for wow to die
Its a fine game, just needs more content.
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promotes colonialism and stuff. bad influence.
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Every New World server in the World currently has queue’s ranging from 1500 to over 10K. I think they’ll be OK.
I heard the crafting system is nice, but it’s not enough to pull me in.
It’s a new MMO from a company who has attempted to put out game after game after game, all of which have been cancelled.
Honestly, New World is Amazon’s best hope for becoming a serious contender.
I won’t play it but I hope it’s good and works out, but the odds are against it.