Its not exactly “bad” but I doubt it will have massive staying power. A dedicated player base sure, but not the next big thing, at least for me. Might try it out later as long as it stays buy to play.
WoW may be a dying crippled corpse, but the only other MMO I know that has obvious staying power is FFXIV.
I bet no one thought Minecraft was going to be a massive game. No MMO comes close to New World in progression through open world professions. They just are so in depth and so much you can do with them that is beneficial to your gameplay and experience.
Finding bait, then fishing and casting your line, keeping tension on it and reeling it in. Then cooking which is really important. Not to mention all the professions are so important to the towns proficiency. I enjoy it. Almost ignored main story quest to gather and craft.
Also the weapon systems is a great core to build on. New weapons are coming there are tons of possibilities. I think New World will do well once they get everyone in there playing and out of Que.
Well if Blizz didn’t severely mess up TBC launch with tons of issues that still exist and fight with the players on what should and should not be in the game it likely would of lasted longer. It’s a shame that Blizz rushed TBC when it wasn’t rdy because Retail is dead.
The TBC debacle is the sole reason why I didn’t buy D2R and Diablo 2 is my favorite game of all time. Figure I’d just leave all my old D2 memories in tact and play New World instead.
Not only that TBC is a re-release. It’s not a new MMO. Everyone already beat it before and there was nothing new that could be done. Comparing TBC Classic to a new IP is hilariously wrong.
Exactly. I welcome other games because it’s good for variety and competition. I’m not going to cancel my wow sub just because another games comes out I want to play.
People tend to attack any game that has the slightest possibility of being a threat.
Well that’s subjective. Personally, I like the dungeons more, and I enjoy the bosses more too.
It took a while to get used to it, but having access to all the jobs and also the differences between them is more fun in my opinion. GCD-based gameplay is already outdated and pretty boring, but at least with XIV it has combos and weaving.
Well, I don’t PvP anymore, and I think both do it poorly.