Damn, New World looks like total trash

I got to play it via advertisement in my Store pages.
I saw advertisement in the Internet.

Anecdotal Evidence is not an argument in this case.


It is a fact that almost all specialized magazines had some “suspiciously paid promotion looking” articles about it.

Google time machine may show you from how long it has been running.

Really, it is a fact. 100% solid fact. It is there.

It is time for me to wish you a “nice life”.

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Lucky you. Doesn’t mean it 100% factual for you either. And again, they failed to advertise their games before, it can sure as hell happen again.

It’s Amazon. They are probably scrapping ridiculous amounts of data from the users. The entire game is probably built to do thought experiments. No thanks.

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Citation please!

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If OP getting dv’d and first reply rebuttal post getting uv’d doesn’t speak to the massive shift in player sentiment about WoW, nothing does. :rofl:

I got the achieve “Just scratching the surface” 20 hrs of game play in my first 2 days. However the Achieve hits on a point. There is plenty to explore and do in New World. I just was lvling up a 3rd weapon today to start exploring different combos and skinning the mobs.

I don’t think anyone can really make a fair review of an MMO unless they have 100+ hours playing. I likely won’t even be close to max level after 100 hours due to me just enjoying the gathering and crafting so much. (also trying to make gold with it while in heavy demand)

That can happen when your server caps at 2k lol


Warlords of Draenor was one of the most popular WoW expansions at launch. What do you mean you can’t judge something at launch?

FF14’s zones are large, flat, and… don’t really look like anything. There’s nothing in them. They look like Westfall or the Barrens.

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And somehow FF14 manages to be worse.

WoW is famous for being endlessly customizable, true. But a lot of the UI I see it replaced with just looks like garbage.

I almost feel like New World is an experiment or just an initial attention getter of gamers. they really wanted a different MMO more high fantasy to go along with their middle earth show but tencent got in the way of that. I am wondering if they might explore the more high fantasy MMO option to go along with the Wheel of Time show IF it does well.

Yet it’s the most popular MMO right now heading into a New Expansion which is saying something. Usually at the very end of an expansion there is a massive drop in players who are bored waiting for new content. However FF is doing it right and exploding in popularity just before a New release.

Imagine if WoW could do that. Honestly FF is where WoW was back in TBC where they were growing heading into WotLK. This won’t end well for WoW.

Then the people have other options if FF isn’t for them like me where I’m playing New World. Either way the result is WoW’s inevitable downfall due to the last several expansions.

-It’s virtually impossible to work out accurate subscriber counts for MMOs today, and this site cannot do that.
-So, we do it based on reddit subscriber information. We track the current subscribers, active users and history of both.
-Of course the data is not extremely accurate, or in many cases, accurate at all.

So that does not hold up as a citation. But you get an A for effort :cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake:.

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Apples vs. oranges.

New World costs $40.

Compare that to WoW: $40 + (x months * $15/month). We pay for a NW every 2.67 months through the WoW sub. That’s ~4.5 New Worlds every year.

Apples vs. oranges. But if you want to compare, head to head comparison, New World is the better value proposition.

First off. Their launch is horrible. 3 days now of insanely long queues and just keeps getting worse.

But I will say this about the game as I played it during Beta. It is definitely a different type of mmo. It isn’t like your standard type like WoW, FFXIV, SWTOR, ESO etc. Anyone here who cries about the grinds here should stay away. Anyone who cries about flying and threatens to quit about flying then stay away because there are 0 mounts and no intention of adding any.

So, this game is basically a pvp/crafting/aiming mmo. There aren’t your out of a box Pick Your Class. You start off with sword and shield. Then there are basically only 3 options which you can combine based on weapons. You have Swords/axe etc. and shield. Staves/gloves to shoot magic out or have a couple magic abilities and Bow/Gun. Now for ranged stuff like Bow/Gun and Magic, you better have good aim because you can miss and it isn’t like auto targeting. You have to have aim.

Then, you pick from 1 of 3 factions and basically grind like mad for rep and to put money into that faction to help build it up or something.

You are all sent all over on quests and without a mount it can take a little time.

The graphics for a new mmo using the realistic approach did okay. Nothing amazing though. I will say games like GW2, FFXIV and yes even WoW have amazing things in the world to just stop and take SS. New World’s stuff is just basic things. Nothing has made me stand in awe and I have seen about half the full map.

And then yes. It is heavily pvp/crafting focused. They do have dungeons but I didn’t do one but the one I saw looks decent. Not sure if/how the raids will be but I don’t see people playing this for that and just PvP.

But, like I said, it is different and I am playing very casually to just level in hopes I will enjoy it enough to even hit max level. It is fun to play from what I was able to but will be a very niche mmo and I will say it will hit its peak within 3 months (which is bad) and then start dropping bad and then level off. I think it will be in a decent spot for what type of mmo this is but yeah.

It’s pretty insane. There are 712k concurrent players in New World right now. I doubt there are that many playing WoW right now, even including players in China.

LOL I will bet you any amount of money you are way off. I get you hate WoW but don’t be dumb. Also, where are you getting the numbers because they only allow 2k people per server hence the insane long queues.

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Good question for the OP lol

You quote (bogus) WoW numbers yet don’t know that Steam posts its official concurrent user numbers for games on its platform in real time?

There’s a reason why Blizzard isn’t transparent about WoW user numbers. Still need a hint why?