Its a wish version of Dark Souls in a MMORPG world.
WoW however isn’t #1, far from it we’ve lost so many subs for a long time now. FFXIV is the current king of MMOs aka #1 and ESO is not too far behind due to carrying elder scrolls title.
That’s because many popular streamers and content creators hyped it up like asmongold, Josh Strife Hayes, etc. Wow classic had these numbers in que on launch…a few months later it wasn’t doing so good as people had expected. A lot of the current players will drop off by the end of the week, and by the end of the month, it’ll have the core players that love the game, and the players that played it for hype will be long gone onto something better.
Give it 3 months and see what the numbers look like then.
You just cannot judge an MMO launch day. Time will tell.
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I realize that. I’ve played multiple MMO’s at launch since the EQ days.
This is a little different than the past though because WOW is in the crapper and Amazon has the resources. Once Endwalker comes out you’ll have 2 MMO’s competing with a very weakened WOW.
Because people have become too emotionally attached to everything. To the same level people have with sports teams and hoping your opponent fails/loses.
Which is the wrong lens to look at it. Instead of saying cool a new game to possibly entertain me and provide enjoyment, it’s viewed as “ Itsgonna crash and burn hanahahaha”
Interestingly, only 46% of Steam users have given this game a positive rating.
Does this mean anything? Probably not. But it’s interesting.
I just want a starcraft MMO. Come on blizz
Blizz is probably groaning at the prospect of having to make the zerg a playable race in an MMO.
A Reddit post mentioned that the bulk of the negative reviews are about the queue times and not gameplay. Take that how you will.
Awww, but i wanna cute zergling. And no one needs to worry about its sexuality
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The zergling can get whoever and whatever it wants.
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It’ll likely end up as one of those MMOs that has its loyal audience that still enjoys it once the hype dies down. My husband is playing it and it seems pretty good, just not something that interests me personally.
WoW has 116,000,000 subscribers and over 2 million players per day.
New World is a baby MMO that has to learn to crawl before it can even walk, let alone keep up with WoW. I’ve heard from friends that it’s not very good, kinda empty and clunky. It’s nothing a couple of big patches won’t fix.
MMO audiences are fickle when it comes to a new MMO.
We have all been burned to many times in the past and don’t feel like wasting a bunch of time on something that might fail.
There have been so many WoW-Killers, yet none of them have killed WoW. Actually, it was WoW Classic that killed WoW not too long ago.
How ironic is that?
I’ve never heard of Endwalker, but I’ll look into it.
It only reviewed negatively because people want to actually play it and not wait in ques to get into those 2K servers. That and waiting the que goes past the Steam Refunds time length.
This is Amazon with their net worth of trillions in 2021.
I feel like Amazon looked at the whole “Blizzard is in indie company” meme we have been joking about, and they’ve said “Hold my beer” and did this. Why?.. 
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The Blizzard forum mods moved the thread talking about New World looking good to the “Off Topic” forum but left the thread saying New World looks bad in the “General Discussion” forum. Blizzard is nothing but a clown show.
I’m going to hazard to guess it wasn’t flagged for being off-topic for WoW GD. (Which it is and should go to off-topic.)
I might give it a try one of these days just as a distraction for a couple weeks. It really doesn’t look like anything special though. It’s just kind of there.
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server queues: bad when wow has them and good when any other game has them!!
Plays like garbage too. Has since alpha. Little to no original pve content. Generally lackluster overall. Crafting mechanics are intriguing but other than that… it’s meh.
Then why isn’t WoW the most popular MMO anymore? Sorry there’s just a lot of MMOs to play these days. That is why WoW is in catastrophic decline and barely over 1 million subs.
New World is a completely different game. Love having No Tab targeting for combat and think MMOs feel better that way. I have to say New World is a much broader MMO than WoW and will appeal to a wider variety of players.
New World also has the best professions in an MMO, just been totally immersed in the open world gathering and crafting experience. Also Fishing is top notch! I have been really enjoying it and have 36 hours in since launch. I’m back in Que waiting to get in.
Lots of potential with this game though. WoW probably will be #3 MMO by years end.