Gooblin Rocket barrage having a 90 sec CD and doing 1/3rd the damage of my spammable is completely pointless. Why bother having it at all?
Is bag of tricks for vulpera the same way? Such a waste of a GCD I agree.
When I played a Vulpera, Bag of Tricks was useful as an emergency spot heal juuuuuuuuuuuuuust in case.
The only damage racial I’ve seen that was actually worth it was the Lightforged Draenei AoE laser. And it was really only good for M+ back in BFA. Don’t know if it’s any good now
Mixed on it;
Racial bonuses usually vary between 1-2% between highest to lowest. So it isn’t a big deal.
What I do find odd are the racial with actual damage abilities always scale to be the lowest. Scaling for racial damage wasn’t this bad in SL S1/S2. So you’re wanting to press more buttons but for less damage.
I think they should get a buff so they have a minor advantage of 1-2% over the passive races.
Lightforged lazer is not good anymore. Damage was nerfed, and the cd is on the gcd. They nerfed it due to lowbie pvp, but for some reason applied that to max level.
It scales but it’s still weak and has no synergy so it’s usually a dps loss to ever press it.
Damage racials are miniscule as they should be. Quality of life racials are out of whack. Diplomacy and shadowmeld are way ahead of almost anything else.
And Emergency Failsafe…it makes being a mechagnome worth it.
I like the mech racials for sure but can’t stand the way they look
It’s a good mini heal tho
It should scale, yeah. The Draenei 20% Naaru heal is great no matter the level since its a flat percentage.
And dont forget dwarven self cure.
Man. There seems to be a theme here.
Bag of tricks is a 40yd missile, some tanks don’t have tools to pull past 30yd.
Bag of Tricks does actually scale with your Item Level (Main Stat?).
Tested on the Valdrak PvP Training Dummy/Healing Training Dummy
My Warrior’s Bag of Tricks (445IL) can heal for 38,184 Holy/Nature. Hurt for 24,244 Fire/Shadow/Nature.
My Mage’s Bag of Tricks (379IL) can heal for 20,096 Holy/Nature. Hurt for 13,397 Fire/Shadow/Nature
- This CAN crit. e.g. Mage’s healing from 20,096 to 40,192. Mage’s damage from 13,397 to 20,096.
- The School of Magic CAN interact with mastery. e.g. Holy Priest’s Mastery with Holy.
- This CAN proc items. e.g. Eranog’s Ring with Fire.
The Healing portion can actually AoE, self or other. Just two things:
- The range is pitiful, 1-2yds? Your targets would have to be stacking on the same pixel.
- It used to be infinite targets, but they limited it to just 5.
There was a time when the GCD didn’t scale with Haste, that was fixed.
When you use it on an enemy: It INSTANTLY aggros whoever you threw it at, but the damage has travel time.
For any more questions:
Unless you’re a mage and you’re locked out of available schools ( e.g., you already used your alternate schools).
That has saved me way more times than I have ever noticed. I win a fight then look I have the cooldown debuff because it popped and healed me.
I just unlocked mechagnomes about a week ago since I was bored one night.
Can’t play them though they look stupid. Imo.
Well see there’s a very reasonable explanation, straight from a Goblin here.
…They forgot the Racial exists.
To be fair, BoT does hit pretty hard at lower levels for a damage racial, and can be used as a backup heal which gives it that flexibility. Rocket Barrage starts useless, and ends even more so.
Even in low level PvP you would never use Barrage over Rocket Jump which is an extremely handy mobility Racial.
But muh Horde favoritism!
Hey, horde favoritism started when they gave the horde the prettiest race in the game, causing the first mass exodus from the Alliance. It was more than a decade before the alliance got some pretty elves of their own.
Looking good increases DPS by 90%.