Damage racials that don't scale are literally a waste of time

I find it especially nifty on classes without many spammable self heals - my Vulpera Hunter and Rogue both use it in bad situations.

The damage portion is negligible though. Almost never use it offensively.

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Ideally racial abilities are flavorful and fun, but not mechanically noteworthy. See; Make Camp. Making racials mechanically important means certain racials become BiS for classes or comps and thatā€™s a route that ends in tragedy.

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I tend to see my Alliance character racials as more useful than my Horde character racials in most content or situations, however thatā€™s not enough for me to actually play Alliance over Horde even with as bad as some racials for Nightborne, Magā€™har Orc, Vulpera and Goblin are.

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I miss the AOE silence for belves. Swapped two of my characters after that change :frowning:

Whats a Gooblin? They part of the Gob squad we missed?

The very reason I went regular draenei.

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