Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

Name: Death
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Do not remember
Role: DPS

Looking for people i did PVP with. I am planning on rolling horde. If you remember me, please don’t me afraid to say Hello. See ya guys.

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Name: Wendell
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Guild: Basic, Aldor Bank Security, Enigma, Toons For Hire
Role: Shadowbolt spam, forum troll

Basic transferred to Sargeras if anyone is looking for us. Still a few old names left but not many. I recently came back to check out the new content, totes casual.


You’ve probably seen that Blizz announced the realm names:

So let’s hear where people are planning on going!

Kuroma still plays


Kuroma still processes Warcraft input data and computes appropriate outputs.

^ ftfy


Name: Xelloson
Race: Dwarf
Class: Hunter
Role: Dps
Guild: Equilibrium
My first friends when I started was Panda and Wendin. I’ve always wondered what whatever happened to them.

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Character: Ibz - Gnome Warlock
Guild: Holy War
Good times were had


Name: Stryderhyru
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Guild: Apocalypse of Doom (AoD), Caelestis, United Defense, Guildless (with alts)

Hello to anyone that remembers me… i see a few people i remember. I was around for a long time.


Name: Darkthurtrig - Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Darksun Elites / Fast Food Fairies
Connect with: I remember quite a few!
Darksun - NE Rogue
Thiriwin (spelling?), Gnome mage (or human)
Htlrmonkey - Human paladin
A pally named Panda something but I can’t remember the name fully.

You SOB Sorya! Still not as bad as Cruentus stealing his mage back, haha.

I just connected with Dwalin, hopefully we’ll get some of the old Impulse crew back together :slight_smile:

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/wave old rogue pal

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i like to sit

it’s chig!

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I had a bunch of names, Zulbasha,Darksprocket,Brunning Dwarf hunter and Dks

Any people from ascendancy or impulse or massacre here?

oh man so many holy war people

played a 13-14 year old rogue
holy war baby
probably gonna play again with truemaxim


Equillibrium was our guild for many years on the Daggerspine server. I have a few lists of old guild mates who raided with us. If interested in getting back with old friends let me know, and we can add you to our Facebook page.



Wow, can’t just post something short and sweet; I need a complete sentence.

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Name: Dryade
Toon: Night Elf Druid
Guild: Eternal

I still remember the post-death runs through Blackrock Spire… :wink:

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Name: Eagalis
Race: Nelf
Class: Druid
Guild: Riders of the Shortbus
Role: Healer

I am wondering if anyone is coming back from RotSB would love to play with you guys again :smiley:

Mortale!? Its bombshot! Dwarf hunter that beat you outside ironforge in duels. Had a friend named boomshot. Someone find Kosbo.

Toons for hire? Was your GM a nelf hunter and his wife? They took all their members from my guild after they planned some bs and left our guild and made toons for hire. dude was a piece of crap haha.