In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Daggerspine (US) in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Had a bunch of names. Mavajo, Mideon, Nimmy, etc. Played in Holy War HW, Solemn and some others.
Looking to re-connect with anyone that recognizes me. Hammy, Marine, etc. Been so long that I can’t remember many of the names anymore, but I’d recognize them still.
Name: Rexxigal
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: Remnants of Lordaeron
Role: Main Tank and Officer
Notes: Tanked for Archaic from time to time for 20 mans, just looking to see if any of the old crew or friends I had back then still play and looking to play again albeit a bit more casual these days.
Will be playing Alliance again and plan to tank, main tank/offtank/dungeon tank, whatever is needed.
Notes: Mostly just curious to see if anyone remembers the guild or any experiences with me, so I can hate childhood me just a bit more
Most memorable moment is fighting for nights on end for Cthun server first when I was 15. I played from Germany and I passed out at 4am for school mid raid, woke up at 6am and the very next attempt he was downed and I didnt get in the video :(.
For any old members who see this, forums still exist - dear lord did I say some cringe worthy stuff half a lifetime ago. Easy find if you google guild+server+forum
Joined Impulse when the guild fell apart at TBC and played through there until Black Temple as the same char. For Sunwell I gave my account to an old guildmate, tried to yeet it back at some point, and now its long gone in the ether. Sorry Mandroth!
I remember Mideon, and Mavajo slightly - see your name a few times on the old Holywar HW forums. I was Sorya, one of the active mages.
(Although I took breaks here and there through content clears.)
Name: Peridoc / Scotthew
Race: Human / Night Elf
Class: Paladin / Hunter
Guild: Instant NoOdles, Latter Day Soldiers, Blitz, Kinsen, & Drunken Legacy
Role: Healer / DPS
It’ll be interesting to see familiar faces return for Classic. Lots of fun memories from Dspine. Many of my friends went to Lightbringer after WotLK, and most have stopped playing. Excited to play with you all again soon!
Name: Helaman / Moroní (original name before forced name change because of “illegal” character í )
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Latter Day Soldiers
Role: Ret/ lol Ret Heals (respecing too rich for my blood :P)
Had many alts as well. Was on Daggerspine from 1/2005 until 12/2010. With Cata’s release we moved to Lightbringer
Hoping Classic will bring back a new era of Realm Communities. Everything from the Spiritwolf Comics, the unconfirmed rumors if Kuroma was an actual robot or not, to Pigvomit (Sunburn) PvP videos, the harassment of Redrdige by Ajaxx (Greatest Hunter of All Times, stay tuned sports fans!), good times.
Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Five Orders of Justice was my long stint with Rand and the rest.
I remember the names Scotthew, Sorya and Rexxigal from back in the day. So sad to see “Laggerspine” is a recommended guild for new players. SO different from the raid night queue times. { You are 247th in queue } with 9 minutes until raid time. lol
Sorya, I definitely remember you. Didn’t really talk to you much cause you did have a reputation lol, but I think you were an enchanter that had all the good enchants back then. Didn’t really talk to Holywar much at all.
Wasn’t there a Juan in your guild too (Rogue I think)? He used to stand in Ironforge for hours just emoting /em spits on you. Lol, some good memories.
Edit: I remember you too Krymzon, invited you to a few dungeons back in the day if I recall correctly. UBRS comes to mind mainly.