Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

Remember rocking a few AB’s with you back in the day Bombur!

Name: Tedricks
Race: Human
Class: Paladin: Reckoning Bombs to Ret
Guild: kaijin > Entropy > Apocalypse of Doom > Vegemite

Our Aus guild left to one of the Oceanic servers once TBC hit. Was never the same!


ah hell yeah I remember you!

Hey glad to see you’re still around! I have so many good memories of Vanilla! Server transfers definitely killed Daggerpsine though. :frowning:

Name: Coolred/Kulos
Class: Priest
Guilds: Drunken Lords & Eternal

Not much time with life anymore, but was hoping to chill with old friends in Classic


Hopefully trying out Classic today, what server will you all be on?

Farsight - Guildless

Sadly I still am here and gm of guildless. Miss the old days.


(I guess I am gm if gnomeland lol) also gm under guildless as well. Both my original guilds.


Had to come check out the Alliance page, great seeing some of your names and guilds that I remember in BG’s and out in the world back in the day. Really hoping that Kuroma and Angheuol make a comeback :wink:

Where did most of the Daggerspine players transfer to? Was there a mass exodus?

Name: Nightstalkd
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: i dont recall
Role: complete casual

I used to hang around Iron forge jumping around on mount, same in Darnassus. I was a total noob kid at the time. I leveled purely by killing individual mobs one after another like a nub.

Nocturnal Insomniacs

Used to work night shifts then come home to raid at 1:00-2:00 AM server time with the guild. I remember some incredible memories from ZG, AQ20, and MC. Guild leader was Ayano, some officers were Warlok (I think that was the spelling?) and Gobsmcgraw, don’t really remember any other names.

Holy War


I remember the name, I was currently playing Craigdor a Dwarf Pally at the time I was in Holy War, I was one of the officers (I also managed the DKP for a time)

I think I remember u, Craigdor dwarf pally.

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Name: Moroni
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Guild: Archaic
Role: DPS/OT, MT for 20 mans.

Some good ol’ days. I bailed mid-way on our progress through AQ40 after a bunch of drama unfolded, but man Archaic raiding was some of the best gaming days of my life. I still keep Thunderfury in my bags at all times.

Edit: I’m trying to wrack my brain for fellow Archaic members of the old days. Let’s see…
Mages - Randumb, Everan, Jesse
Hunters - Gemini, Wire, Moonra, Ravenclaw
Priests - Tylanthriel (can’t remember your brother’s character)
Warriors - Faenor (sp?), Xyther (I know this isn’t it but it’s close), Silmarillio
Rogues - Bumrush
Warlocks - Lucy? Lucinda? Something like that?
Druid/Pally - can’t remember any atm

@Helaman - Ha, I was the original (properly spelled) Moroni. My name became available when I transferred to Mannoroth not too long before TBC released, and I tried to make an alt with that name back on Daggerspine later but it was taken. I always wondered if you snagged it.


Long time no see.

Yeah I secured the name when you told me you were transferring and told me I could take it since it would be available. And my buddy took your dad’s name (Mosiah).

Moroni belonged to my Shaman in BC, and is currently my Deathknight’s name.

Name: Tethrilos, Human Warrior
Guild: Crimson Dragoons

Divitiacus - Night Elf Resto Druid - Wolf Pack I think was the guild name…

I thought this server was called Laggerspine?

Good luck getting rank 14 with that beast around!


Now that I messed up posting once, sup nerds.

Some of you may remember me as some stupid rogue named Eboshi who guild hopped constantly in Vanilla. I remember Lochlathan from those days. I’m more infamously known as Shockndrop from BC onwards. The man. The myth. The troll.