Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

So I still play, Daemonessa, Night Elf Rogue for the blind = P
I was a founding member of Bound By Honor, played in Darksun Elite briefly, and then BG’d relentlessly with War for Profit to Field Marshal.

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Aeohil, message me when you can! Battletag is: Kylin12#1499

Since we handing out btags, add me. Fox#15734. It’s Mish.

Name: Blindiths (This toon)
Race: Nelf
Class: Druid
Guild: War for Profit (pugged a few raids with drunken legacy once in a while)
Role: Feral dps

Played a LOT of pvp and didn’t actually attempt to raid until much later in vanilla. I was in one other guild before war for profit however the name escapes me.

Hey mate hope all is well! I remember Marko from kaijin days!

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Hey Aether, Merlins here from the impulse days, good to see so many familiar faces, add me hammer#1432

Name: Merlins
Race: Gnome
Class: Warlock
Guild: Impulse
Role: DPS
Hamme#1432 battlenet

Just wanted to see if there are any Impulse players still around and if your on a server??

What server you on, dude? Bigglesworth for me!

Tristus! holy you are still around! add me on bnet mate! gamgetta#1503

i also remember Marko.

I see you hearting things there Boswell. i remember you :stuck_out_tongue:

Its been a very long time Wendell.

Name: Maeno
Class: Warlock
Race: Human
BoR and Basic.

Name: Trixen
Class: Rogue
Race: Night Elf.
Guild: Five Orders of Justice
Role: Officer

I remember a fair few people, I remember when Kozy got his thunderfury and left our guild </3 .I am still in touch with Bonesetter, Trinity and darkart still.

Would love to catch up, feel free to discord message me.
My discord Trixen#2402

I know those names! What’s up Dae & Zamnil!

Did the PvP grind, ended up just missing Field Marshal then raided with Basic.

Name: Nightchill
Class: Druid
Race: Night elf
Guild: Drunken Lords/impulse

about as old school DL as can be i was there for the first MC kills except the first boss i believe.still remember our naked runs and the no spit policy

man rasche i still talk about you sometimes to young raiders im not sure you remember me but this is nightchill.

holy forking shirtballs how do you know about this

I hope you speak well of me :slight_smile:

man rasche i still talk about you sometimes to young raiders im not sure you remember me but this is nightchill.

Night, can’t say I remember you by name, but if you know me by the Old Wow name I think your spot on. So what do you tell Guild?

Name: Krayvi
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guild: Drunken Lords, Impulse, Entropy, forgot if there was any after that.
Apug too

Just started 2 weeks ago on White Mane

Name: Nomejitsu
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue

Old Profession: Wrecking you kids
New Profession: Making millions