Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

Hey Bombur, I remember you and your twin Dwalin. I’m Doggyfizzel, the Grand Marshal Warlock. Where you at?

Name: Tifore
Race: Gnome
Class: Rogue
Guild: HolyWar HW
Role: Raid and Pretend PvP like Mortale but never as good.

Man, what a flash back to the past reading through this forum. A buddy was telling me about WoW Classic, so I had to come dig around and see what or if any of my old guild friends were up to. Good ol’ Daggerspine holds some great memories for me from 2004 -2007. Even after I got rid of my account and then started playing with the horde on the Teuf account.
I created this character on Daggerspine, but the server doesnt seem too lively these days.
Tifore#1102 on Bnet if anyone wants to add me.

not playing

add me on discord zack, virtua#7571

Howdy. It has been a long time. I like that RotSB has some representation. Are you playing Classic?

Name: Stanfields, Fluidfloyd
Race: Dwarf, Gnome
Class: Hunter, Warlock
Guilds: Riders of the Shortbus, TDA, RotSB (after the name ban), Moonbrook Bowls Club

Hi Brahn and Byane. Let me know if you are playing classic.

[A] Wed/Mon 6-9pm Raiding Guild. Recruiting for Raid Team

Momentum is an Alliance guild on Fairbanks, we are looking to add a few more core raid members to our team.

A little about us…

For raids we may push our members to go out of their way to get full world buffs once or twice a month, but we understand people have lives outside of World of Warcraft. We simply expect our members to try their best and be open to suggestions on ways to improve.

We aim to have a relaxed raiding environment, attempting to be as efficient with the small amount of time each week that we have assigned to Raids. Most importantly, we want players who enjoy one another’s company while gaming together. We value positive people with good attitudes, and look for that in our applicants. Jerks, a-holes, big egos, or entitled people will more than likely not mesh well with us.

We have two primary goals:

  • To experience Classic together, in a positive and mature environment, that keeps an enjoyable atmosphere.
  • To clear all the endgame Raid content as a guild.

Raid Days/Times:

Our current scheduled raid nights are:

  • Wednesday 6:00 to 9:00 pm PST
  • Monday 6:00 to 9:00 pm PST

Loot: As a Guild, we use a Loot Council system for MC and BWL. We will be using DKP for both AQ and Naxx.

Looking For: At the moment, we are welcoming applications from all classes, though in particular, we would love to see the following:

  • Priests
  • Hunters
  • Mage
  • Warlock

If Interested in joining us, or have any questions please message Aetherone, Juliosanchez, or Raldir#1701

Name: Daddio
Class and Spec: Holy Priest
Guild: B L A C K W A T C H
I started during BC, but remember a lot who I played with through Cata. The original Guild leader Lipps has returned to play classic! We are on the Kurinnaxx classic server if you would like to put the band back together. And Daddio is still on Daggerspine. I hope to hear from you all!

Grogen Dwarf Holy Priest, The red Beard, I used to stand outside Iron Forge dueling all day, Played up until the end of BC, what’s up Daggerspine!
I’m currently playing Horde on Kurrinax

Rexxigal, I’ve come to classic a year late, I’m on Faerlina, but you were the first one on my Boomer brain that I was wondering where you were at now… lol
I used to play a NE warrior named Lirra, a Dwarf holy paladin named Musubi, a Human Mage named Inari, and a resto Druid named Daikon. Do you remember any part me? lol

Lirra, Inari, Musubi, Daikon
NE warrior, Human Mage, Dwarf Paladin, NE Druid
I started out in a guild called Blacklist, migrated to lords of hegemony and then Solemn I don’t remember the guild after that. My main was Lirra but would heal on Musubi if there was too many tanks in vanilla and I played Daikon heavily throughout TBC and quit the game once I was hacked in WOTLK.

Name: Legendarydk
Race: Night Elf
Class: Death Knight
Guild: Can’t remember. Adrenaline maybe?

Name: Legendarydk
Race: Night Elf
Class: Death Knight
Guild: Can’t remember. Adrenaline maybe?

Reposted because I didn’t realize I was posting as my alt.

Mep on here?

Hi!! ~Naillo

Name: Cojo
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Archaic (spelling?)

I played with a bunch of folks from the Archaic guild. I was mostly active around the original ZG 20. I remember folks like Wire, Jantal, and I’m sure many others (I believe some have responded to this thread). I plan on coming back for the new classic. Should be a lot of fun!

Lirra! I do remember lol unfortunately I took a very long break from WoW, was thinking about trying it again.

Name: Ravenbow
Race: Night Elf Hunter
Guilds: Darktide/Archaic

Remember long hours in Molten Core/BWL 2005/2006.

I remember all these name…I was one of the Hunters and the name was Ravenbow. Alot of these folks were in Darktide even before Archaic. Good memories, Good post.