Daggerspine Alliance Reconnections

Not a lot of people from Basic in here! My brother and his friends were in the guild, was going to see if he recognized any names. He was this name (Leesh), and one of his friends whose character name that I can remember was Sorad.


It’s Mishara.

Mishara! Have you chosen a classic server??

Mish! Hey! :smiley: Razzly and I are on Fairbanks right now :slight_smile:

I haven’t chosen a server yet. Not even sure what class I’d be playing.

were you that guy that posted pictures of his parents on the forum? This is Retiarius, I was one of the tanks usually

Hey Gam - Hope all is going well mate! - Tristus

Shadow Priest
Night Raiders/Beholden -Guild

Name: Bestial
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Guild: Kingdom of Chaos, Guildless, Old School, and I think United Defense at one point.

Name: Bamber
Race: Night Elf
Class Hunter
Guild: (In Vanilla) Dragons of Darkmoon

Yo! It’s Bamber here! Super long time no see! I’m playing on the classic servers on Bloodsail Buccaneers with my brother and a few other IRL friends and family. I made a reincarnation of my original trashy hunter too. NE Hunter named… Bamber! :slight_smile:

Maedros/Maedra, Night Elf druid/warrior.
Drunken Lords/Drunken Legacy.

I’m going to be playing with Goon Squad on Herod (Horde). I see you here Rasche and Kortana and a few others!

Name: Shadowblades
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Guild: Thirteen Thirty Seven (previously: Prophets of Destruction, Solemn (primarily), Caelestis, Shadow of Solemn)

Some of the people I remember the most in the old days of Daggerspine were Stormclaw, Divinus, Naideriel, Hotbox, Uneditedbrut, but there were so many more. Etimos, Voolamos, and I are on Whitemane (Alliance, still, and always).


Hey Guys!

This thread is amazing.

Name: Chris
Race: Human
Class : Mage
Guild: Oh goodness… I believe I started in Darksun Elite long ago, Basic, and many different iterations of guilds I was GM of : Genesis, Salvation, Circle Jerks, Solemn?

I recognize soooooo many names on here. Supersilver and I use to run 40 man MC, BWL, AQ40, Naxx, and others.

Ginzuknives - Basic, Genesis, Darksun Elite (lol). Holy Pally. What I really want to know is where is Pigvomit?

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Reunited at last <3

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Name: Zamnil
Race: Dwarf
Class: Warrior
Guilds: Blacklist, Bound By Honor, Darksun Elite, Five Orders of Justice.
Discord: Zamnil#1367

I hope someone here remembers me, I used to tank a lot of pug dungeons. Being a scrappy aussie teen with no real way to get into a raider guild at the time, and I tried to do the rank 10 grind with my fellow pug scrubs.

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<— Here I am still in the guild keeping it alive.

Good to hear you guys are still around. Back in Daggerspine days my main was Icedragon, 60 Human Warrior

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My brother and I were in Entropy & Vegemite. My warrior was named Icedragon and I believe his character was Narko/Lolynn. His friend was a druid named Markosesian

Good ole SAS days!

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Zamn! I know there’s a few of us playing classic, I haven’t dug back in just yet but will soon. Extramild and Eluria are playing together somewheres I don’t remember, I’ll probably be starting there.