Daelin Proudmoore was right about the horde

Telling people to be content with bad decisions blizz made over the years is a big oof. Why should worgen fans and night elf fans sit back and be content while everyone else gets to have fun? :wolf:

Because you are not likely to get what you want, which is get a whole new faction to yourself.(funny how that works considering you were arguing with me about Arthas just a few days ago, how the tables turn)

Personally, what I do expect of future WoW stories will center around trying to make the current factions stronger. Which means the night elves will probably bury the hatchet with any issue they had with Anduin’s decision and I expect the Alliance will help them rebuild. Similarly, the worgens will probably remain loyal to the Alliance(at least while Genn is around)

In general the S.Barrens are just a mess.

Because it was pretty effective. I’d leveled pretty exclusively through EK content and don’t think I went to see S. Barrens until after I could fly.

And seeing Taurjo destroyed was shocking. I initially figured it was the result of the Cataclysm. So when I touched down and saw human looters ransacking the place and gradually put together the Alliance had did this there was a tangible anger.

“They did this to the Tauren?’”

Well then I find out oh ya know it was just a misunderstanding and even Baine says it’s s’all good.

And that would be just lame if it were like the Forsaken or Orcs. But using the imagery of an American Native styled village being burned and looted for a “Aha! Look at you jumping to conclusions” style twist is just nuts.

Like yeah Blizz sorry I took that as a signal this war had taken a truly dark turn. In a “There are no innocents anymore - just the guilty, and the dead” kinda way.

Didn’t see that and go “Well looks like someone picked a whole bouquet of oopsie daisies - I’m sure those rascally humans didn’t mean it like that”.


While blizz continues to piss on worgen fans and won’t even give the worgen a proper base of operations. I for one refuse to sit back and accept blizzs garbage when it comes to the lack of worgen representation in game :wolf:

Or you know it is because WoW stories move at very glacial paces. It took 3 expansions before the draenei became relevant again(then boom, two whole excpansions that had plenty of draenei content, and then nothing again thus far). The worgen at the very least have gotten some screentime in Legion and BfA due to Genn/the faction conflict.

Heck, the gnomes still don’t have their city.

They got one zone in legion and they barely did anything in the darkshore warfront. Out of here with your nonsense. 16+ yrs of almost no content is not and never will be acceptable :wolf:

Than blizz embarrassed us with the worgen heritage armor quest line. And you sit there and honestly think they care about us worgen fans

WoW has lasted this long because of a trilogy of games building a loyal fanbase, and a blue ocean strategy in the MMO market at the time.

You cannot attribute their success to it’s duel faction structure, and their willingness to sacrifice lore and would building for the sake of superficial gameplay.

At the time of Vanilla WoW, night elves and the Horde were openly trading resources cooperatively. The Warsong were a fringe 3rd party acting against the will of their Warcheif. Merely to justify WSG.

The Night Elves did not need to be members of the Alliance to achieve this.

This is a conversation of whether or not the night elves SHOULD be part of the Alliance. You seem to have the stance of “You will belong to the factions if you like it or not.” completely unempathetic to the wants of other fan groups within this franchise.

This is why no one likes you.

I disagree. And the fact the Nelf RP community is dead on ever server proves that.

How many zones did the dwarves get?(last major one was in Cata I believe) The gnomes sort of got a zone but that is only because they got mechagnomes.

You mean the trilogy of games who’s very focus was on the Faction War between the two?(said trilogy ending with the Horde campaign where they fight the Alliance)

Yeah, like it or not the duel faction did play a role in keeping Warcraft’s interest.

How it is not relevant? It shows that the worgens are not the only one who barely get much content and it goes for the greater whole of Warcraft’s many races. The humans/orcs/night elves get more because they were the one who had the most world building in Warcraft 1-3.

Again, this point is stupid and you know it. If you know nothing else about me then it is that I’m pretty Alliance partisan and enjoy when the Alliance(any part of it) wins against the Horde. Which means I am all for kicking the Horde out of Ashenvale or anywhere else for that matter.

Not relevant to the topic at hand. We’re not talking about gnomes or dwarves. You’re not sympathetic towards worgen or night elf fans, just admit it already :wolf:

“WoW needs the faction conflict to be interesting”
“You will subscribe to your prescribed ethno-state and participate in this race war whether you like it or not.”

Is absolutely the most garbage WoW take one can possibly have.


Not sure if I want to laugh or cry, because zerde actually believes what he’s saying :wolf:

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Because it is true. There is a reason people talk about Taurajo, Ashenvale, Gilneas to this day. It is because the faction conflict has sparked a great deal of interest in the game. Hell, even Hearthstone did a whole “Alliance vs Horde” event recently.

Of course it also needs to cool it down and not make it a world war every two expansion. and that is probably one of the biggest issue with BfA. A faction war should have happen like a few more expansion from MoP, it needed time for both sides to rebuild and increase their grudges.

Well duh, if you didn’t realize that was part and parcel of Warcraft in general, then I can’t help you.

Things don’t have to be right or good to make for an interesting story, and like it or not the rivalry of the two factions has made for pretty interesting(or at least compelling enough for us to care) story(if not the best execution)

Garbage responses like this just proves you don’t understand in the slightest the many complaints worgen and night elf fans have about the story and the way both communities have been poorly treated by blizzard . And you wonder why no one takes you seriously :wolf:

I do thank you for reigniting my passion to fight for better stories for the worgen. You managed that much at least

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The only ones who “don’t take me seriously” are people who don’t like my takes. Personally, the fact the story forums turned me into some bogeyman for the longest time is just hilarious and means people actually read what I wrote. Hell, I see people who like what I said. I know who “takes me seriously” and doesn’t.

As for the “better stories” part. As I mentioned Blizzard has always moved their stories in a very glacial manner. Hopefully someday that changes but I don’t expect it too. What I do expect is each race will get their time to shine someday(usually when we all least expect it)

As for future stories, they have already some of their plans/things they might do. It is clear the worgens stories/night elves stories are not over and will continue in the future. Will it be good or bad? Who knows, but I really doubt out story forum posts will have that much influence on it.

You lack imagination.

So… Everyone. Lol.


And you lack the ability to be realistic.

Being smarmy won’t get the night elves to leave the Alliance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The “Realistic” thing is for every significant power in the world to consolidate into two factions, IN EQUAL PARTS. For all races to melt into Orc and Human cultures, and to carry forward the banner of Old Hatreds they had originally played no part in?

What the hell? What is realistic about the faction conflict? What at all? It literally doesn’t get anymore “For the sake of Game mechanics” than that.

No, the Night Elves left WoW altogether.

I made the mistake of pretending to be a night elf fan the last time around, but to simply put it, the night elves thematically do not fit with the alliance at all. I’m not going to sit here and pretend I know what most of the NE community wants, but I do know one thing. Both worgen and night elf communities want and demand better treatment from blizzard :wolf:

You do realize that is what happened(at least to a certain degree) during the cold war. The world was divided into two relatively equal powers/factions(at least theoretically, in practice not so much)

The “realistic” portion of a faction conflict is it focus on the human tendency of having themselves divided intro group. A tendency Blizzard has used to make the game popular.

Maybe some night elf fans, but then again the game ages and people leave for all sorts of reason. There was always a natural tendency for people to leave the game. Not to mention the gameplay has not exactly been as stellar as it was in the past.

That is partially the point. It doesn’t fit on a surface level but the night elves in general want what the Alliance wants, to be left the hell alone by the Horde. Aside from that particular goal it has always been interested in making a better world for its people and making a better world in general. Not just surviving in it.

I always refer to this when I’m thinking of why Blizzard does what it does. Ultimately everyone in Azeroth is suppose to get the living crap beaten out of them sooner or later. Because it does make the times when we actually win that much more special.

Not to mention WoW stories in game are just something you will just have to accept takes years to develop/course correct.

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Exactly this attitude is the reason why WOW-lore is in this bad shape, because unfortunately they forgot to provide it with a pay-off for all the suffering.