Daelin Proudmoore was right about the horde

After playing through BFA what would of been a better story for the horde is they were dismantled but in the process the horde would be reborn in the sense that the horde would go underground while the alliance increasingly starts to oppress the horde. But alas this cannot happen because the writers don’t have any stomach to make real change everything always goes back to status quo.


No a better story for the horde would be that their dastardly plans paid off.


I disagree I think the horde having a situation where they come back stronger and prove their honor would be better but we each have our own ideas.


The ‘honourable’ horde is not something that has ever been supported by the writing. Let it die.


There is next to nil chance that any invasion plans by the Horde would yield them any positive results.

Like it or not, Warcraft is built on the “bad guys” losing.

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That needs to change and I mean it.


No it does not. Especially now that the faction wars are probably going to take a very long if not permanent sideline.

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Not the faction war the bad guy always losing its annoying


Metzen wanted Daelin Proudmoore to be wrong. The problem is his later writing, Afrasiabi’s writing, Kosack’s writing, and Danuser’s writing keeps proving Daelin Proudmoore correct.

It is a sad pitiful cycle that is starting to get comedic but not in a good way.


The bad guys cannot win because if they do Warcraft ends. So short of a realm reborn style event that is not likely to ever happen.

There is not meant to be bad guys among the playable factions. I’d rather be bad and set the world on fire, skin puppies and kittens and stamp on peoples sandcastles than be scapegoated, and gaslighted all the time.


Oh then I’m completely wrong that is correct I forgot about that.

Yes there is, and we have see what happens to the faction when it gets a “bad guy” to be its representation.

The Horde(or the Alliance) cant actually continue to burn cities to the ground without sooner or later facing consequences. Usually said leader gets deposed and anyone tied to them gets killed off. (See Garrosh and Sylvanas)

Except I am not fond of wonton destruction either for no particular purpose. Even the who Jaina trying to flood Ogrimmar was something that always toed the line.


A better story would be the Horde being dismantled, and in doing so, the need for the Alliance dies, and the non-human races break off to be more independent, and we have a factionless Azeroth.


In Vanilla thru Wrath they did a good job on the concept that Daelin was wrong.

Following after Teldrassil and even then Brennandam?

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You are not getting that either. Thankfully.

WoD in particular is very irksome to me.

Like the Mag’har are crazier than their fel infused cousins. How’s that even possible?

The Orcs being basically naturally occurring super soldiers because they evolved on a wildly hostile planet is a cool idea.

Of course the Legion promptly enslaved them. It was a hell of a find. And it put the Draenei’s suffering in a new context. Yeah they’re victims here, but they brought their war to this planet and their enemy twisted the locals into weapons. The Orcs are victims here too.

So it turning out the Orcs were always blood raging berserkers who were game for genocide and interplanetary conquest no matter what is just insulting.

I expected the Orcs to be more rough and tumble than say elves or humans because most of their local wildlife is Geiger’s xenomorph. But ya know still basically reasonable. Not inherently kill crazy.

And the worst part is WoD could’ve been very interesting. Because it could’ve been about how you don’t need dark magic to corrupt the soul of a people. Garrosh’s knowledge of the future and technological gifts could’ve bought the Orc’s loyalty.

Their leaders have been right about everything and have developed technology that has allowed them to start to tame this deadly world.

Their leaders seem to always know what to do and are dramatically increasing their quality of life. Of course they listen when they say kill the Draenei. It might not make sense to you, but a lot of what they said didn’t, and everytime they’ve been right. This doesn’t feel right but you trust it will eventually.

Ya know a story about how otherwise normal people get drawn in by charismatic leaders and wind up doing the unforgivable because they’ve been warped into thinking this is all necessary evil for a greater good?

Meh not like that kinda story would resonate or be relevant. What if the Orcs were just bugduck nuts from the word go?


Pretty sure most people have been asking for that for years. I am not saying it will happen, but it is more likely to happen than anything you want.

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We were just told during the whole cross faction feature thing that the factions are going to remain in place and that there will still be focus put on that faction divide. And while nothing is written in stone, the chance of being desolved is less likely then you believe.

I didn’t say it was likely, I said it was more likely than anything you want.