This is absolute truth.
I was backpacking with wife and friends, and we were camped near a lake.
There were ducks nearby.
It was a full moon, and the ducks were awake.
And it sounded, exactly, like they were telling jokes to each other. There would be these moments of silence followed by "QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! QUACK! ". It totally sounded like duck laughter.
And since it was a full moon, they were up most of the night telling jokes.
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What do you call a Blood Elf Hunter without any legendaries?
My son’s favs…
What does a nosey pepper do?
It gets jalapeño business.
What do you call an apple that farts?
A fruity tootie!
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You asked for a dad joke…
Why don’t pirates shower before walking the plank?
They will just wash up on shore later.
Why did the Pirate go to the beach?
Cause he was told there would be booty.
You’re American outside a restroom but what are you inside one?
You’re a peein’
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My son’s favs…
Any time my daughter sees a character with a prominent mustache, it’s… you guessed it:
“I wonder if he mustache you a question!”
A book never written:
“Finding Restrooms In A Hurry” by Anita Gopi
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You’re Russian
You’re Finnish
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What’s got 2 wings and an arrow?
A chinese telephone
Wing wing “arrow?”
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Well I was finnish with my joke and I didn’t rush it
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My son asked if it would be cool if I turned on the AC…
And I was like…I mean yeah, what else would it be?
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Normally its warm when i turn on thr AC
Now I edited it so it makes more sense and you have no proof I did so.
Did you hear about the guy who invented the knock knock joke?
He won the Nobel Prize
Why don’t skeletons laugh?
They are dead serious.
I was going to tell a communist joke
But everyone wouldn’t get it.
What’s a ghost’s favorite cereal?
How do you get a country gal to like you? A tractor.