D4 event and griefers

I disagree. Now we’re back to 0-0.

I’m not here for your enjoyment, I’m here for mine.

:sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: Sunflower! :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower:

Or…how about both of our enjoyment? Whats wrong with that. Who knew my little comment was going to attract so much attention. It was just a moment of frustration for the love of God lol.

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nothings wrong with that.
but this thread has shown that a lot of people are only capable of caring about themselves.

“this thing impacts me in a negative way”.

ok, here’s a list of things which can make the impact less bad.

“no, i don’t want to hear it, i shouldn’t have to change anything, my way or the highway.”

but you can take these steps, and it will cause you less distress.



While I get both sides of the argument, Its not ruining my playtime. I am a day one player of WoW and will play until the servers close. Sometimes things are just frustrating for no good reason. All good though, the macro works for the MOST part…and if thats what I have to do, then thats what I have to do. Its not ruining my life XD

I know how to do macro-roni!

Yeah I saw a lot of this today when I was trying to kill the goblin, a huge alliance raid group swarmed into org and kept popping target dummies and the like and attacking guards which added to the lag it seems. I tossed a knife at the goblin then had to back up so I didn’t get DCed the lag was so bad. Did manage to get the 36 slot bag though. Sadly I actually killed the goblin twice today but an orc griefer camped the corpse with a fat mount so I couldn’t loot it…I saw the icon that said I could but I couldn’t click the corpse to grab my loots…then corpse poofed and orc moved…and I reported the orc for sitting on the corpse like he did. The goblin, the portal he comes through, and his corpse need to be no mount and no toy zones

Yep this happened to me earlier today too. Someone literally blocked the corpse…and it disappears hella quick. And it doesnt go into your mailbox if you dont loot it.

It just isn’t that person though, its everyone around them. This is called zone disruption. If you way of “fun” is impede others, well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, you just broke the social contract. While there really isn’t a way of who’s dropping toys, people naming them selves treasure or pets treasure.

And don’t try and be obtuse saying you didn’t know. Standing around a portal that’s NPC is exactly/partially of that name. you know damn well what you are doing. I swear, you’re smart in a lot of ways. being socially acceptable isn’t one of them.


This is exactly what I do.

  • Have cursor on the timer bar so I see the countdown clock instead of, “Something is coming.”
  • Have left index finger ready on TAB button.
  • Have right index finger on DPS talent of choice.
  • When clock runs out, I push TAB until Goblin is targeted.
  • Hit DPS key to tag Goblin.
  • Chase Goblin, attacking until dead.
  • Loot.
  • Profit.

I have to admit it’s easiest on a Hunter due to Fetch so I don’t have to fight the mob trying to loot.

So far the dumbest I’ve seen has to be a 40man alliance raid coming in to Org to lag it extremely.

the fun meets specification.

again, (and i feel like i’m sounding like a broken record here) I’M NOT DOING ANYTHING.
i turn up, participate in the kill, and go on my merry way.

nothing i’m doing is problematic.

is it though?

  • Someone is intentionally disrupting the gameplay on the zone
  • Another group keep killing all the mobs on the area so I cannot complete my quest
  • A guy is killing the quest giver over and over so nobody can pick up or turn in the quest

Is a toy “intentionally disrupting the gameplay”?
…prior to spawn, the gameplay is waiting.
the toys aren’t exactly having a massive impact… it’s the 100 people spamming aoe on one spot which is causing people to lag.

Plenty of players are already playing on the lowest graphics settings.
Turning down the graphics isn’t a solution for them.

When a zone is lagging it affects everyone’s ability to tab target. Because the framerate is so low a player won’t know if they have tab targeted the goblin or something else until it’s too late and the goblin is dead.
Anyone that has played online video games for any period of time already knows this.
Tab targeting during high lag/low framerates was never a solution.

Using a macro MIGHT be a solution, depending on several factors, but it’s as close as one can get to a viable solution to trolling, griefing and numerous targetable objects in the area until blizz steps in and does something.

Unfortunately, an example of what that macro might be was never given. So a solution was never offered.

Here is that macro for those that don’t know how to make them.

/target Treasure Goblin
/cast spellname

I don’t play many of the classes so I don’t know the names of the all the spells.
Replace the word spellname. With the name of the instant cast spell you want to use. If your class doesn’t have an instant cast then use one that has a very low cast time.

For my shadow priest this macro would look like this

/target Treasure Goblin
/cast Shadow Word: Pain

And yes, AOE on the portal has been the only solution for many players to even get a tag. To many trolls dropping toys, mount camping, etc,etc for them to target the goblin and get a hit any other way.


Just did another one. 4 target dummies out…multiple people 5X their size, etc. It DOES cause lag. It also helps if people would get off their mounts before the goblin emerges. And as others have mentioned…people will literally camp on the corpse so you cant loot. Blizz could fix that by not having the corpse disappear so quickly. Thats what just happened to me. Used macro/hit the goblin…chased him. Couldnt loot because people were HUGE and sitting right on the Goblin. Corpse disappeared. It just sucks any way you put it. They COULD fix some of the issues but Im sure they wont since its only a 2 week event. Personally I fly in, dismount, wait for the Goblin, tag, loot, (trade if someone needs something that I have) and leave. What is so freaking hard about that lol?


Make a macro:
/tar Treasure Goblin

That will work on the corpse.

Then use your F6 key, if it’s still defaulted to Interact With Target. That should allow you to auto loot. (I think. Definitely worth a shot.)

Also… regarding players sitting on the corpse, Blizzard fixed that a few years ago, and Quest Giver NPCs, Mailboxes…making the blockers figuratively invisible to your mouse. It doesn’t matter how many people try to block them, your cursor will still turn into the interactive bags icon, so you can always interact with the target.

Of course it’s not easy to see… but it will work.

the zone isn’t lagging.
people seem to assume that because THEY are experiencing issues, everyone else is too.
that’s just not the case.

if they already play on the lowest settings, then their system probably doesn’t meet the minimum system specs for playing.

stand at max targeting range. aim the camera at your feet.

nobody has pointed to tab targeting as a solution.
…it’s a bit pointless when you could be targeting other players, pets, minions, target dummies, or just general mobs in the world.
a target macro is the safest option.

blizzard does NOT need to step in and do anything.
players should be mature enough to adapt to various situations which they’re presented with, without needing to be coddled.

it was.
perhaps it wasn’t in this thread.

in another thread a few days ago, someone was complaining that their macro wouldn’t work.
after being asked about 30 times to paste their macro, they finally front up with “/tar goblin”
…and when it was pointed out that it wasn’t going to work, they suddenly decided “oops, that was a typo, it wasn’t really that”. :upside_down_face:

this is not possible.
nobody can prevent you from targeting and interacting with the body.
it’s just not possible.
people need to stop inventing drama.

grab some screenshots of this.
i need to see it first hand.
…because i’ve never seen more than 10 or 12 people stick around, and those people are trying to give pets away.

i’ve also had NO ISSUE trying to loot.
there’s not even a need to use the “interact with target” option.
swirl mouse around until lootbag shows, click, profit.

it’s interesting how there’s always a tiny number of people who have ALL the problems.

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Do you really find the target dummies and toys that much of a problem? I never have. Sure, you may not Tab onto the goblin straight away but as soon as it moves around (which it always does) its pretty easy to target then.

My favorite view aid is to use my Corgi toy. Turns all my faction into corgis (even the enlarged players just become bigger corgis). A lot easier to see if a lot of the players are little doggies.


I have a potato computer- the goblin doesn’t cause issues at all. Dragonriding at MAX speed for long distances basically kills my system though lol. Like I get errors closing WoW about “Not Enough Memory” a few times a week at this point- usually dragonriding in big cities

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