D4 event and griefers

Not going to lie. I got fooled by this one in Sw :rofl:

And they could do that outside of a certain radius of the portal. Just like they did with some NPCs and mounts.


disable ALL addons.
you don’t want data from other people slamming your system.

dial down your graphics and particle density and anything which is going to improve performance.

the servers are coping.

i don’t care if people playing a game want to have fun.
it’s what games should be about.
these events don’t happen often.
they don’t last long.
they should be memorable.

a few sticks in the mud need to loosen up a bit.

toys are… whatever.

the biggest version of “griefer” i’ve seen since this event started, is hunters naming their pets “Treasurewhatever”

so make sure those macros aren’t just /tar Treasure

Their “fun” is intentionally stacking as much stuff on top of a portal or dead body as they can, forcing people to figure out how to deal with it using means they may never have had to do before.

There’s no reason that there can’t be a radius around the portal and goblin so that people can have fun with toys away from it. Just like they did with soup.

Though I don’t sit and wait on a portal like you do. I come in after the goblin spawns. If you’re that bored, don’t sit there on a portal for five minutes. I’s not going to spawn faster by you staring at it.


I get no lag mostly, maybe down to 30 FPS, but that’s still playable. Some of them I get server lag, but it’s not due to toys and all that, I get server lag when there are just too many players in the area.

Rarity addon makes a little popup you can click on that autotargets the rare (goblin) so you cannot miss.

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wait till hunters figure out they can name their pets treasure like all the mop world bosses

No they aren’t, you don’t even have a proper argument to refute anything I or anyone else has said in regards to the lag and frame dropping mess.

Exactly why people greifing and impeding others enjoyment and/or participation in the event needs to be stopped.

By your logic i should be allowed to exploit cos that’s ‘fun’ too.
Doesn’t matter about harming other players right? As long as i’m having fun!


They already have.

I’ve had no issues on my servers, but I don’t know how other servers are. MG and WrA seem to be fine. It’s usually just player graphical lag.

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I’ve already seen hunters doing that. Quite sad.

It’s because of where it spawns that they can’t limit those things. Imagine being the poor schmuck just wanting to use your mailbox toy while leveling and now can’t because of the gobbo spawns.

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you say that as if learning is impossible.

people have the ability to learn.

as for stacking stuff on the body, i haven’t had any issues, i don’t even need to use the interact with target feature.
i haven’t encountered anything, including a massive bunch of players, which hasn’t been possible to simply click through.

so… how big do you envision this radius being?
the goblin doesn’t just spawn in and stand in one spot.
he runs around, people kite him around, he doesn’t have a path which can be determined when players are dragging him all over the place.

…and people are still playing the game.
they should to be able to move freely in the zones without getting dismounted by randomly running into a pointless random dismount zone.
(which once implemented, would probably be forgotten and thrown on the backburner for weeks until QA gets around to removing it)

i’m not really wanting to hope that i manage to log over in the 30 seconds that it’s alive.
i’d rather log over to the appropriate character, check the portal location, and travel there with at least a couple of minutes to spare.

they already have.
i raised this point above ^

weird, I’ve not heard anyone complaining about disconnects or server crashes.

No, but it takes researching to find out what to do if people are unfamiliar with macros or /tar. Things they shouldn’t have to do just to kill a mob for an event.

Literally no one said otherwise, let’s not twist this into something it’s not.

That’s nice, others have.

Neither do some quest NPCs that walked around where you couldn’t mount up around them. It’s not new tech. It’s old tech.

Not even sure what this mean.

You mean the dismount zone that they would only get hit by if they flew close to the ground?

Goblins usually live for a minute or two. I get there with like 10 seconds left on the portal.

You keep trying to defend this behavior as if it’s positive for the game. We all know there are solutions people will have to learn. And then relearn when the run into jerky hunters. That’s not a fun experience. That’s the entire point of this thread.

You can tell people to “deal with it” all you want, but you’ve missed the point entirely: people shouldn’t have to “deal with it” and figure out macros and /tar and change them later when people figure out how to be jerks.

There are solutions in this game that Blizz has used before. They changed sharding for this event, they could have anticipated this. It’s not like it’s a new issue.

But you keep being you and arguing for argument’s sake, m’dear. Have a good day. :people_hugging:


I know you haven’t because you very conveniently don’t seem to see or notice anything that is contrary to your view of let ‘griefers grief as long as they are having fun it’s everyone else who should adjust’ view.

You cherry pick things and don’t even bother replying to the countless arguments of why toxic behaviour really isn’t ok especially for an event that is limited, and how easy it would be to fix by simply having the goblin have a no toys zone- it only needs to be a tiny zone, theres no reason someone needs their mount or toy on top of the portal.

Just let people get that first tag in, thats all that really matters. Then the servers can lag, drop frames, self implode, put a hundred feasts down etc for all i care.


it means… there are people out questing, going about their business… playing the game.

i haven’t seen one live for more than 45 seconds.

where are you getting your timers from, which will give you information which is this specific?

why not?
these functions exist for this reason.

oh… like adding the “interact with target” function?
yep, they sure did!

there is a (one, as in singular) thread in tech support from someone complaining about event lag.
most people already understand that lots of people in one place can be problematic.
…and they use the options provided to make things run as smoothly as possible.

the goblin doesn’t stay on top of the portal.
why are you ignoring the fact that there are people out questing in most of these places?
why are your needs more important than theirs?

Why is yours to grief others so important, I mean besides just reinforcing that you and people like you are just jerks trying to ruin gameplay for others.


yeah lag is the biggest problem I find and all the trolls dropping toys sure doesn’t help.


it’s interesting how you seem to think that just because I don’t have an issue with people having fun, that it means by default, that I must be one of the big meanie heads who causes a mild inconvenience to your frame-rate.

That’s exactly why they do it, it’s why the few people in this thread defending this type of behavior are super cringe.


It’s not fun to try and make people lag out at an event that’s there to try and be a benefit for all players, defending this is very telling about you and the type of person you are just saying.