Cyclone is kinda busted

what are u actually saying?

i wouldnt respond to this

wouldn’t dps feel better if they didn’t need damp cause they ever duel right?? or do they? hrmmmm, i think my liver hates me

100% and well said!

if u can wash in a vacuum u can look harhar

won’t let me share this set but its golden and i got one more post


does blizz enjoy good music?

Rat wasn’t used in the same context. I mean either way, I skimmed that and assumed worse than just a pun so, fair enough.

…? Is that you justifying yourself? lol. I don’t care man, play whatever you want. If you think only fotm classes can succeed then, sure. :+1:t3:. You’re doing great. Every other evoker is probably just hacking anyway am I right?
—bonus side point! What made rdruid so “fotm” recently? Trees! Before trees they still had cyclone and… weren’t very popular. Trees also promote a stand back and do nothing playstyle. Absterge made comments about this in his latest shuffle vid after making fun on a druid in a 2600 lobby die for pushing in to clone :frowning: Figure that one out!

Well, ironically if you’ve played that many games and are still are where you are, that should be evident there’s much to learn. With that knowledge will come perspective. I too have so much to learn if I could find the time to really do so, so this isn’t exclusive to any one skill set. I’m just saying a better understanding of the game as a whole will lead to better discussion than knee jerk reaction based ones. When you say broken you just mean annoying to you.

:man_facepalming:t2: you need to see past this. Look, sometimes people are going to get openers yeah? I get it. However if you’re constantly stunned from stealth, start with null shroud. Or tell your team in the beginning to watch for the follow up clone to stop it. Use the ping system, something. If all else fails, let them rely on their defensive buttons and plays first. If you blow trinket 3s into every rdruid game then you need to reassess your options. There’s ALWAYS options.

Different classes are different. Do not compare them 1:1. Can Druids communion while cc’d? Can they purge off every hot instantly against other Druids or relocate their team freely? Can they aoe stun teams or contribute your levels of damage? Can they immune cc regularly or have a ranged kick easily accessible? Don’t go down this path.

Because every druid has clone and despite rdruids frustrating you healers personally, changes to clone affect the other specs and your silly solutions of ‘just take away a pvp talent for the dps specs’is dumb. I’m sorry but other things need said and clarified because… well it’s obvious to many reading this.

Weird way to use quotes… pretty sure I said the overall strength of a class throughout history isn’t really relevant to a vacuum discussion about cyclone which is what you seem hyper fixated on. But sure, make up your own straw man. You’re wicked smart. I’m sorry.

Yeah, misplay. No way should this ever happen.


I just want rdruids to hardcast heals again

Barely ever happens ever since the recent buff

If nothing else, this thread has convinced me that most of the people on the forum need to just “git gud”.

I’m not the highest rated by any means, but I’ve played a lot of alts in the 2100-2400 range besides my boomy this expac - one of which was a disc healer which probably has some of the least number of ways to avoid being cycloned.

In a 3v3 and Solo Shuffle situation, it’s not the cyclone spell that’s overpowered, it’s you and your teammates that are underpowered. The tools are there for you/your team, they just aren’t being used.

Good healers know how to use their kit to avoid as much cc as possible, and good dps know to cover their healer so that they can continue to get heals. Is every CC going to be stopped? No, and that’s what cooldowns/trinkets are for. If no one could ever land a cc then it would just be a boring slug fest with no skill or coordination expression.

If a resto druid is able to push in on you so frequently and successfully, without getting interrupted or immediately swapped to with no hots, then quite frankly, that just means your team is playing BAD. And the solution isn’t to nerf the spell that is causing you grief. The solution is to do what every other high rated player does and literally get GOOD.


The rdruid hard counter, being targeted. God bless.


incorrect. I see resto druids all the time. If you’re looking for a class rarely seen in solo shuffle, it’s preservation evokers.

“you have much to learn”

yes, but i’ve learned that Cyclone needs to be nerfed. It is extremely overpowered against other healers (especially evoker healers).

“You need to start with null shroud”
So you’re okay with forcing evokers to be essentially forced into taking a pvp talent (that can be dispelled, stolen, sapped away before the fighting ever starts, or worse, that can be waited out till the shroud wears off), but it’s too much to ask for resto druids to have to take a pvp talent that allows them to spam cyclone (like i suggested earlier in thread)? That’s called hypocrisy, in case you need it spelled out for you.
Null Shroud is a garbage talent currently that is extremely difficult to use effectively. You can’t use at beginning of match against a team that knows how to negate it, it’s even tougher to use midfight because if you get interrupted it screws with your bronze and blue spells.

“or tell your team in the beginning for the follow up clone to stop it”

Have you even done any solo shuffle in arena? It sounds like you haven’t. Getting dps to actually pay attention to their healer getting cc chained like that is extremely difficult, and most just want to yell at the healer for not allowing them to tunnel vision dps the entire match.

“if you blow trinket 3s into every rdruid game then you need to reasses your options”

The other option you mention is getting yelled at by the dps for not healing them when they get killed while i’m in a stun+cyclone cc chain.

“Can druids communion while cc’d?”

They have Tranquility which is better. And cyclone literally cancels my Communion.

“Can druids dispel HoTs?”

No, but they have HoT protection with Reactive Resin, and can easily reapply hots. Meanwhile i’m lucky when i get off a full charged firebreath (not using a fully charged Firebreath isn’t even worth casting for the purge effect).

“Just take away a pvp talent for the dps spec is dumb”

Then take it away from the resto. You acting like Blizz is unable to fix/nerf cyclone JUST FOR RESTO DRUIDS without affecting the other specs is extremely disingenuous. They can and have done stuff like this before.

“weird way to use quotes…”

All you quoted earlier was “cyclone”. How the fudge am i supposed to know what you’re talking about when all you quote is “Cyclone” “irrelevant”. Keep being disingenuous.
Resto druid needs a cyclone nerf.

“misplay, no way should this ever happen”

and yet it happens all the damn time, and i get the blame for it no matter what i do. If i hang back and let dps move forward without me, i get stun cycloned. If i move forward with the dps, i get stunned cycloned while the dps are tunnel visioning the kill target. Only thing that even remotely works is trinketing and sleeping the druid (and usually i have to throw in a wing buffet and/or an interrupt to prevent them from shadowmelding and cycloning me again).

It’s adorable that you think resto druid is so weak and helpless that it NEEDS to have a spammable cyclone, but the reality is that it’s overpowered and needs to be nerfed.

The irony of quoting an unquoted quoted quote about learning


I think he saying the opposite; that each class is unique but their spells are balanced around all the other spells in their kit.

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“disc healer has the least number of ways to avoid being cycloned”

false, you’re thinking of preservation evokers. Disc can at least stay 40 yards away, and insta fear a resto that gets too close. Preservation is forced to constantly get in melee range because of Verdant Embrace being a core ability, and Sleep has a cast time and will ALWAYS be a split second too slow when going up a druid cyclone.

“it’s not cycloned that is overpowered, it’s you and your team that is underpowered”

So how come the dps suddenly “get gud” when they get shuffled over to the resto druid’s team?

“good healers know how to use their kit to avoid as much cc as possible”

so tell me then, how would YOU avoid a resto druid that stealth stuns into cyclone? I’m all ears.

I understand complaining about resto druid if you were a disc priest or a resto shaman but preservation has plenty of tools to deal with them.

“preservation has plenty of tools to deal with them”

okay, let’s hear it then. What would YOU do as a preservation evoker to stop a resto druid from stealth stunning into cyclone at the beginning of a match?

I would probably play shroud, and open hard with a 3v2 situation - maybe throw a landslide out to try and knock him out of stealth if I think he could be dashing toward me. I guarantee the druid will pop out to start hotting and healing his teammate instead of waste multiple seconds trying to stun/clone your shroud off while his teammate is being blasted.

If the other team has a purge, then I’d hang back and line of sight the purge until my team opens so that I don’t get my stacks removed before the match even begins - then move in and get aggressive.

If you don’t have shroud stacks for whatever reason(maybe you’re not playing it or somehow the opposing mage or shaman has been able to spam purge while living the 3v2), then you need to push in with your team and it’s on them to stop the clones if the druid is going to open in the middle of the map(which makes him very vulnerable and if your team isn’t capitalizing with interrupts or swaps then they’re just bad).

If there’s a rogue, rush in and get combat before he can sap stacks off while opening hard in a 3v1, or if you notice them being sapped off, AOE and get the rogue out.

If it’s the middle of a fight and you see the druid running toward you, what do you think he’s doing? He’s coming in to cc. So be preemptive with your cd usage. Use your kick to stop the cast, use your knock to stop cast or gain distance, or hover to gain distance away from a clone cast(if you’re using hover haphazardly, you’re doing it wrong). You can even use Deep Breath to immune a cast and gain distance and/or stun the druid. Hell, Shroud is 1.5m cd so you can even start casting it again when you know you’re vulnerable to cc and a druid is pushing in.

If you’re los of your dps without shroud, then what do you expect? OF course you’re going to get cc’d to oblivion behind a pillar. And if the druid is able to push in, stun you, and get spam cyclones off uncontested, then that’s a problem with your partners doing nothing to help, and also a problem with you being in a bad position - which happens a lot more at low rating.

I don’t know man, I’m about done engaging with you. There’s literally so much you can do to help your cause but you seem fixated on placing the blame everywhere else besides your own gameplay. High rated evokers don’t have the same problem that you have - what is their secret that you’re for some reason being kept from? We’re all playing the same game here…

Not to rating shame, but over 7000 games played at 1700 says a lot more about your inability to adapt and get better than it does about the strength of a single spell from a single spec.



ya know Cyclone cheap shot spam treants dying in .9 seconds aside i hope every one has a good weekend

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