Cyclone is kinda busted

Devine Shield is busted and you’re just mad that you can’t press a button to counter cyclone like you can most things.
Fighting a team with two paladins is also the worst feeling.
Now you know how it feels when your target is immune.

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O….k. If you consider any other cc cast on a healer most of the time they also can’t get out of it. Or if you cross the team they can’t get out of it. Or bait a dispel and then cc… etc. This seems like a very weird point to make.

I see you missed my disclaimer but if you take the values with the reduction trinket bonus to now, half the cc’s in the game actually went up. You act like everything else is half duration compared to what it used to be.

First off, I question how you even know. Second, that would be a pace of 1 clone every 6s for 2 minutes straight. Incase you’re not familiar with the DR length, that wouldn’t be possible. Especially claiming he was also kicked 10 times on it. Like I said, it’s hyperbole. If your team, healer included, is being triple clone rotated as close to DR as possible then perhaps you should adjust the playstyle. Speaking hypothetically to anyone this happens to, not necessarily you specifically.

Why? Give me something. Not to mention any team with a sham can usually quite literally stop every clone if they don’t miss anything. Extreme example but, think rsham hero cleave.

Is that not two top teams? You think if an AWC hosted right now boomy would be everywhere? lol. And EU is essentially one team. Again, not a good talking point. They can play literally whatever and win. Cyclone spam has been their staple forever and you historically hardly ever see boomys. There were clear reasons why it was chosen so much as it’s hard to also overlook that BOTH teams usually tried it and the boomy died most of the time in every match. Not saying the spec isn’t good, it’s always kind of good but in the context of a clone discussion it’s silly to use their one recent showing for one cup as evidence to support it.

They don’t…?
Rsham gets out for free
Rdruid is immune
Every priest is gnome
Hpal rotate freedom and sac to immune the entire first go window on top of usually also being dwarf and having two trinkets

Any team with the following dps:
Can get their healer out.

Rootbeam has been the most unreliable form of cc in wow’s history as of late.

What I am fine with is getting rid of precog. I hate that being in the game. You’re saying if cc changes were reverted it’d be fine… so like if shear lock out goes up 1s we’re all good? You really think that small of a difference is breaking the ability?


It should have a cooldown like kidney shot.

I’ve been in games where the other team just won because this spell.

It’s broken.

Calm down there buddy lol.

This entire thread is surmised from the perspective of people who, no offense, have no idea what’s going on. I understand that things are frustrating when your experience is that of a 1700 shuffle player but at some point you have to understand that you don’t understand the game enough to make such wild claims. Even something as simple as “just add a pvp talent for it!” The repercussions of effectively removing a PvP talent for some specs alone is massive.

Like… lol. This is what we’re dealing with folks.

Trust me, as someone who has access to the almighty ability cyclone, I find rdruids in 2’s especially frustrating still. I don’t have enough necessary stops and it’s very easy for them to play safely and and set up win conditions. In 3’s though, this is 100% an issue with yourself, and your team. Anything is frustrating when nothing is done to stop anything.

Cyclone has existed for like 16 years and is completely intrinsic to Druid’s kit.


Cyclone is totally busted. The only healer that can CC the other healer back to back to back, is druid with Cyclone.

It needs a cooldown like Hex etc

“1700 shuffle player”

well, 2000, but yea, i admit i’m not elite.

“the repercussions are massive!”

okay, name a couple :slight_smile: I"ll wait while you pull stuff out of your rear.

Cyclone has existed for a long time yes, but they weren’t always the greatest healers (or dps for that matter). Now they have great heals, great dps, even super tanky (at least resto, which has repeatedly been the focus of this thread) and still cyclone hasn’t been nerfed to compensate.

Resto druid is the favorite of Blizz.

yeah but healing shuffle will always suck. u get it.

Would it have been better if another class said the same thing? Cyclone not getting a duration adjustment has made it stronger then it already was, it was really strong already, and it probably should take a small duration adjustment as well.

dude war dreamstate was just clone on a target, swapped out till whatever clever, mc can be used the same but the dc stuff. im just saying, a lot el oh el

Same thing. I’m just saying I’d ease up on calling people “rats” when it could be easily said you’re in that eponymous league. There comes a time where despite not trying to condescend, experience matters in talks of balancing and frankly, those that let themselves or their team be spam cc’d 70 times a match aren’t the best sources of info.

“Name a couple?” I’m not sure you understand. Let me put it to you this way, do you feel like most specs would be happy or noticeably worse in any way if they only had 2 pvp talent slots? For boomy, would losing 12% crit not matter? Losing east access to eclipse through owlkin procs? Losing the coveted high winds? Would feral enjoy losing MS or the new super frenzy talent that’s all the rage? Surely I don’t need to go down this hole.

This isn’t really relevant, and it’s kind of wrong. Rdruids and Druids in general have been more than fine throughout their life in WoW save for ferals in classic raids lol. Regardless, I’m not sure why their relative strength in a particular season is important to how their main cc functions fundamentally. Numbers tuning is one thing but this isn’t the type of thing to just be scrapped.

Playing with questionable people always kinda sucks man. I do indeed understand but this is true no matter what role or class ya play :confused: Mmr is a different topic of course.

Define back to back. Is hoj rep/blind not that? Or para/song leg sweep, chastise fear, (or mind control spam)? Again if your team is letting a druid stand within 20 yards of your healer triple cloning them over 13+ seconds you’re crazy.


yeah but mmr is a big thing that won’t be changed nor the damp. like if they want ttk to be 3.5 minutes make it that way without dampening. dampening sucks as a healer in a way that its like oof.

“you shouldn’t call people rats”

I was responding to someone who just got done calling me “a starving rat”, so take your advice and shove it

“you’re in the same league as the rats you mentioned”

For playing a brand new class that isn’t the flavor of the month? Not sure you understand what FOTM means.

“Experience matters in talks of balancing”

And i’ve done 7000 games in solo shuffle as a healer. I shouldn’t have to be the bestest player to comment on broken aspects of the game.

“That let themselves be spam cc’d”

There’s no choice in this. Resto druid stuns me from stealth, proceeds to cyclone . I either sit through it and watch the dps on my team get massacred without any heals, or i trinket AT THE BEGINNING OF A MATCH.

“I’m not sure you understand…”

Oh but i do. Evokers have to use up a valuable pvp talent slot to be able to spam Sleep. Meanwhile Druids just automatically get to spam Cyclone and can spend their pvp talents on getting things like HoT protection (viz. Reactive Resin) which Evokers don’t have despite also being a primarily HoT oriented class. And why you keep bringing up Balance/Feral druids when the conversation has been about RESTO DRUIDS is proof that YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND what the conversation is even about.

“cyclone isn’t relevant in a discussion about cyclone”

just stop talking. You’re not even capable of addressing the topic of this thread without getting sidetracked into the weeds.

but if u trtinket the clone after a stun what is the issue? thats a good trinket

This is a deep discussion that isn’t really relevant to the topic so I don’t want to derail. All I’ll say is that I think it’s more complicated and damp serves as a real time tuning knob to account for variables. If damp wasn’t there, you’d feel stronger sure but you’re also thinking of it as balancing currently is. If they massive increased damage and lowered ttk to compensate, you’d likely feel stressed much earlier with large spikes of damage immediately and every cc you took (which sounds like is a LOT esp at lower mmr) would be detrimental feeling. More so, I mean.

this is all a fallacy

damp only serves to create a ttk that is controlled. nothing else

nah man im cool with 3.5min ttk. i think the better the teams fighting, the longer the match goes is legit. fun stuff. but damp is just a lazy ttk

“define back to back”

They’re spamming the same freaking spell, back to back, for a combined total of 6+3+1.5 secs= 10.5 secs. Throw in habitual Stun they start the cc chain with, and it ends up being 13 secs just from the resto druid alone. And against Preservation Evokers they can then throw in an Ursol Vortex/Root to fudge over the healer for another couple secs.

Resto druid has an enormous toolkit and cyclone needs to be nerfed.

would take more effort but just make ttk around 4 mins without damp. no healer would ever idk be insulted?

This ^^ . Honestly first complaint I’ve heard about Cyclone in years if ever