Cyclone is kinda busted

Cyclone should either be able to be dispelled, or shouldn’t be spammable, or shouldn’t prevent heals in or out, or shouldn’t have such a short cast time.
Getting cycloned 3x’s in a row (because i had to use trinket earlier) and not being able to heal out of it even with Emerald Communion is seriously broken.

Even an evokers Sleep has a 15 sec cd and yet can be dispelled and doesn’t mess with incoming/outgoing heals.

This is what I have been saying. It would feel so much better for literally everybody except the people defending it if there was a way to A. Dispel it B. Have it share a cooldown for healers like Hex or Repentance or C. have it break on damage versus it being an immunity to everything.

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I’ve been waiting for a pally to realize that Tranquility beats your class’s biggest appeal with big bubble, and mages dream that sheep would be like our cyclone. The only thing that remotely has a chance is mass dispel lol. I guess for compromise, a quick cooldown like a Shaman’s Hex?

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Yeah I think having one of the three options I listed above is a step in the right direction. The way it is now just feels literally awful to play into for everybody who isn’t a druid.

Going to edit here and say its mostly got to do with resto druids and their insane healing numbers and not having to do anything outside of the trees and instant hots. It’s not so much of an issue when playing into moonkin or feral.

With all due respect, if you’re being cloned 3x in a row then it’s not a spell problem, it’s a partner problem and they have some serious room for improvement. There’s no way they’re both being cross cc’d that hard.

I think you’d be surprised. I guess it might not feel as terrible in 3s when they set up but if you ever heal solos its atrocious.

its solo shuffle , OF COURSE IT’S A PARTNER PROBLEM. That’s not the point, it’s still not fair that cyclone is that strong. Either give it a 15 sec cd like Sleep, or make it dispellable, or make the cast time longer (3secs) or make it to where i can heal out of it/into it.

Resto druids are the clear favorite of Blizz

Again I agree with you on being able to do literally anything about it once it goes off. I think allowing it to have a cooldown would be the best thing or even make it dispellable. I think the biggest outlier is how good resto druid is with their mastery and treeboiz right now. Just scales really well with more gear and allows them to really control matchups in solos. The fact that somebody mentioned that tranq is a better immunity than bubble is also true and funny at the same time.

I’m probably going to call it quits on this thread soon, but that’s not true. Every healer has had its time in the sun so far this expac. Pres evokers at the beginning, disc with massive damage, fistweaving, most recently holy pally’s, and now resto druids. The cycle of life and death, of buffs and nerfs, continues.

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So with all that said do you think that clone is perfectly fine and balanced the way it currently is. There should not be a single change made to it at all? You think there is an adequate amount of counterplay available and that as far as power is concerned it is in fact in line with every other cc in the game?

Tranquility is also better than my Emerald Communion (which is closest spell i have that resembles tranq)
Meanwhile a resto druid is untouchable in tranq, and i have to constantly put up with cyclones and Ice traps that lock me out of heals, and has the shorter range (i even have people knock me back to prevent my Communion from reaching my target lol).

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this post isn’t just super coherent, it’s also extremely believable coming from a 1 post “druid” who’s 0-7 in shuffle with 3 3s games. i bet checkpvp doesn’t show this person to have an hpal with 10x as many shuffle rounds

people troll I just thought it was funny when he brought up tranq and I thought how it compared to bubble and it actually seems better considering they cant take damage when they’re using tranq and as long as people are around they’re getting healed.

In short, I believe reducing the duration by a second would be the change if they were to nerf it as its duration was basically 5 seconds (5.1s I think) when the CC duration bonuses were in the game last season. Adding a cooldown or making it dispellable would destroy boomy/feral.

Regarding resto, as Amyrii mentioned above, nobody complained or talked about resto druids until the treants were added since it was wayyy too dangerous to even go in for one as you can easily fall behind on hots and not recover. Treants enable a little more aggressive game play with CC. So maybe treants/mastery need to be looked at first. Keep in mind too that resto doesn’t have the same damage output as other heals so it is designed to make up for it in other ways (CC)

cyclone has always been an overpowered spells, for over a decade.

“Preservation had it’s time in the sun already” oh wow for a whole month?!? WHOA!!! You’re totally right that’s the exact same as resto druids being overpowered for years.

I get that WoW released dragon class before it was properly tested and vetted, and that in the future it will get the buffs it desperately needs (like increased range on heals for example), but cyclone is NOT FAIR. I’m okay with them having Tranquility as is, but cyclone needs a nerf of some sort.

“making it dispellable would destroy boomy/feral”

easy fix, just make a pvp talent for boomy and feral that prevents dispelling, but one where resto druids aren’t allowed that option.


healer players turning on each other like starving rats

“no one complained about resto druids until treants were added”

i haven’t mentioned a thing about treants because that isn’t what bothers me, it’s cyclone that bothers me. It’s way too strong.

Flavor of the month rats trying to protect their cheese

Well i appreciate your input and I think a lot of my issues do stem with how resto currently works with the treants and that did open my eyes to a whole different issue. I do however disagree with cyclone just needing a cast time reduction. I think it should be similar to sheep or fear where it is dispellable and can break on damage that way if you land the cc you’re not completing removing somebody out of the game without the other team having to commit a trinket or relying on having a mass dispel. Either way I do appreciate the input I guess at the end of the day its up to the devs. I’m just speaking from personal experience healing into it through shuffles and based off of some feedback I had from a friend who tried out the spec and others who have been healing into it.