Cyclone is kinda busted

Yes. They should nerf resto druid mastery in PvP causing absurd scaling in dampening or they should nerf treants

See now I think Iā€™m making progress because like I said it was never an issue with moonkin or feral it was just resto druidā€¦ Iā€™m sorry I know Iā€™m not a rank 1 player but still at the end of the day it is so unfun trying to heal your heart purge hots do this that and the other and the dude just doesnt have a care in the world he gets precog cc chains you and you literally cant seem to catch up on an equal playing field.

Almost all the Druids I heal in solo shuffle get trained and ran down all game. So itā€™s not that great. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen a lobby where the feral wasnā€™t the kill target

yeah pres is a healer the most hard countered by cyclone a random clone on a spiritbloom or dreambreath sets you so far behind

i play with a pres healer and he complains about it as well

Iā€™m talking more about resto here I should have stated that. My issue is the absurd healing potential on top of being able to shut down a team. I have matches where I spam denounce judge etc etc 1m+ damage and druid has done nothing but bash clone and throw up hots and we are just still behind.

Iā€™m talking about resto druids.
Cyclone is simply too strong: spammable, short cast time, screws over healers big time, canā€™t be dispelled.
Like, choose one or two of itā€™s traits but not all three.

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cycloning is his version of doing damage though

Preservation counters resto Druids. Literally scouring flame and toss a CC on them at the same time. Resto Druids should be free points

That is also my biggest issue with it. People who say hoj or rebuke donā€™t understand Iā€™m normally already stunned or getting chained into it or if its on my team I have literally no way to stop it once it goes off.

iā€™ve had it happen frequently where my teammate is cycloned at low health, i donā€™t notice right away (because Cyclone is one of those spells that just doesnā€™t show up on debuff list since i canā€™t debuff it anyways), i panic and hit my oh-crap buttons (either Emerald communion or Rewind or even a saved up Stasis iā€™ve been holding onto) and it gets COMPLETELY wasted.

Emerald Communion is especially wonky in that it will always try to heal the lowest health target, so even if thereā€™s another teammate with slightly more health (but still low and needing heals) the communion wonā€™t heal that person because itā€™s feeding into the cycloned target with lower health lol.

This game is DESIGNED AROUND DRUIDS and itā€™s fudging ridiculous watching people try to defend them. Try playing a preservation evoker and just see how buggy and crappy it is. Short range heals, fewer cc abilities that even when specced into arenā€™t nearly as good as resto druids, roots fudge us over nonstop, Rescue is glitchy and doesnā€™t work when either person is rooted, constantly have to be paying attention to the direction youā€™re facing for spells otherwise you can literally waste powerful spellsā€¦


Preservation does not counter resto lol. Druids literally have a pvp talent called Reactive Resin which silences and roots me if i use firebreath to strip the hots.
Meanwhile the resto druid can just reapply the hots, thereā€™s no cd to them. Unlike a preservation evoker who has a 30 sec cd for Dreambreath.

And resto druids are pretty much guaranteed to get that first cyclone off too, usually forcing a trinket at beginning of match (if done properly), opening from stealth with a stun into cyclone chain.

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Theyā€™ll just tell you to take nullifying shroud so its fine lol

which gets dispelled or spell stolen instantly. Even druids have a better version of Nullify Shroud with their Tranquility.


Yeah I was making a joke of it. I do understand that resto druid mastery is busted and the tree ents are strong but I think cyclone has a lot of underlying issues that need to be addressed in one way or another.

Cyclone being the only spammable CC in the game that still has a 6 second duration base is nutty for sure.

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Good to get some different form of input here. That is what I was referring to earlier though just looking to get some different form of counterplay around the class. I do want to specify the issue with resto druid mastery and tree ents has also shed a lot of light as to whats causing the more serious problems from what I can tell.

i think you forgot fear and poly my friend

those can both be dispelled though and they break on damage. Granted fear doesnt feel like that as much anymore but it feels 100000000x better as a healer dealing with fear or sheep vs clone.

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they were nerfed to 5 were they not?

nah poly was nerfed from 8 to 6 and fear was always 6 and Seduction duration decreased to 6 seconds was 8 before
all ccs were nerfed to 6 seconds or shorter
wish they would of put a cooldown on cheap shot though or made it cost hella energy