Current State of Mythic+

Rezan’s quicker than he looks.

so having delves be Even easier is the solution?

Raid or die mindset sucks and always has sucked, i’d like to play my videogame throughout the week instead of once a week during raid night.

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You fail to realize that progression for those who need extra ilvl to overcome difficult content is now done. People cant progress, they leave. Do you understand that? Delves wont get you past 619, if 9s are too hard fornppl at 619 still, they cant progress, they cant go past H raid because mythic raiding on a regular basis is a 2nd job. Do you realize this reality is true for MANY players? Have you seen the sheer amount of M+ complaints on the forums lately?

Remove progression= people leave
People leave = dead game
To argue for a dead game on its own forum is crazy to me


first of all i am pretty sure that many of these people who join m9s thinking that it should be a piece of cake realize that they are not as good as they think they are. secondly i don’t know why people think that it’s good progression to complete 2500 rating and get all portals in week 2 or 3 of the season. i am kinda tired when the community finds a hardle and the first response is to cry in the forums . I have plenty of guild mates doing m9s and no one is here complaining

Would you kindly explain to all of us what exactly makes you ‘tired’ about people wanting to progress? Please I am all ears, tell me how something that doesnt affect you ‘tires’ you out.

Also thanks for pointing out you have a guild to run 9s with when most of us are pugs. You are disconnected.

Oh yeah and since were still here, tell me how less players playing is good for the game.


spamming of the same post, blizzard listening to this and bringing dungeons to the ground just to cater to people who just need participation trophies

I can say right now cinderbrew meadery , priory, and darkflame cleft are going to be absolutely miserable so I’m not optimistic

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Please explain to me how an infinitely scaling piece of content can ever be ‘brought to the ground’?

Let me suggest, to address your worsening symptoms of tiredness, have you tried not clicking the threads?


When one day they decided to nerf cinderbolt by 50% mid-season in Ruby Life Pools, that is brought to the ground.

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mythic plus has a limit , last time i heard it would be m10

What? I dont think you understand M+ in that case. You time a 10 it goes 11, u time that, it goes 12, after 12 is 13, then its 14. After 14 theres 15, and so on. Yes?


This is the fundamental problem right now:

The game has compressed player skill brackets in very heterogeneous groups, and at the same time, has created multiple artificial difficulty walls that feel horrendous to progress through.

Before the changes to m0, you’d have a subset of players doing 0-10 keys. Some other subset doing 11-15, some creeping into myth track range, some into 20s for max possible reward, and then people pushing. You’d find that if you pushed, things were somehow smoother than many keys within myth track range. This was because “bare minimum” players were trying to maximize rewards and would turn that range into a virtual “ELO hell”

Now all of these subsets of people are crammed up in many less brackets. Players that were doing very low keys, with barely any knowledge of the dungeons, are doing comparable keys, with much higher scaling, paired up with players with more knowledge of the dungeons, which leads to a lot of people being frustrated with their matches. Those players that were trying to get their max rewards done (many unable to), are currently trying 9-10s. Many of them failing miserably, hence, a lot of those groups feel horrible. 11s are not a “safe zone” because it’s not “pushing”: you get a lot of the players from 9-10 range, trying 11s because “barely any diff”, and this is why you inexplicably see 11 completion keys posted, when there’s no point other than burning an 11, completing, and then burning a 10.

12s are “doable”, though way less so if pugging, but then the artificial difficulty wall thing comes to surface.

I don’t know if devs are conscious of how multipliers on top of multipliers affect gameplay. Or mechanics on top of mechanics. Judging by the weekly affix, I wouldn’t count on it, otherwise we wouldn’t see the interactions we see (or the emergency tuning we saw this week). Blizzard has had history with artificial difficulty walls before. The jump from 9s to 10s was huge week 1, it got fixed with gear. The jump from 11s to 12s feels huge right now, maybe it also does get “fixed” as people accrue more gear. But it kills any sort of present sense or intent of progression if all you do is pug, because the sheer number increase requires so much more coordination than what you can get at this point.

Do you know what this reminds me of? Diablo 3 Inferno on release. If you played melee back then, you know what I mean. Damage taken just scaled insanely from act to act, much like damage taken (and other parameters) scale way too much from 9 to 10s and particularly from 11s to 12s., to the point that things quickly become a one shot. Unless you use defensives / pot. But, you only have so many, so everything is constantly putting pressure to play perfectly, because if things don’t die, you will start running out of options to counter. This is specially worsened by the changes to casts/stops. I remember not too long ago someone from the company saying they intended to stray away from requiring a lot of kicks and blahblah, and the exact opposite was done, there’s showers of casts everywhere. I also remember the whole " we don’t want to become a nameplate simulator because of the clutter" to then add an affix that spawns 10 mobs with a nameplate and their own cast bar to be cc’d in someway. The contradictions we run into are atrocious.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of doing that. And it’s personally interesting to have the game push towards “perfect play”. This is if and only if you play with a set group. It’s just an anti-pug approach that most people are not going to enjoy at all, and in that sense, it’s very bad for player retention. After almost 20 years of maintaining the game, I truly don’t understand how this eludes devs.


Because it’s different devs in the rotating door at blizzard. They can’t learn from mistakes if no one is there to remember them.

The game becomes mathematically impossible at some point. To what difference does it make if keys for prestige are +2 or -2? (if they remove the +12 affix and replace it with nothing.)

Like Blizz just cares about the first 10 levels, and everything else is whatever.


The later it becomes mathematically impossible, the better it splits player brackets. It’s far better for difficulty walls to be spread apart for retention.

Also, there are far better ways to draw the difficulty curve than damage/health multipliers.

You could base difficulty around shortening the timer for progressing higher keystone levels, rather than generating an artificial difficulty wall with just more multipliers on top of multipliers, and it’d be far more healthy.

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last time i checked some interviews , all the gains stopped after 10. you can run it but it’s irrelevant

It creates a different kind of meta, I don’t see why that’s any more healthy, than the existing meta.

I wish dungeons got more mechanics as you progressed. Like bosses can get one new ability per 5 levels (tailored to them), and we already have affixes for trash, toss in the old ones and call it a day.

Unchanging wasteland at +12 without any variation isn’t ideal but allegedly, title players love that.

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Oh but you were talking about playing difficult content, which you can always do. Now its about the rewards? Or you mean scrubs dont deserve loot to help them push past difficulties? Dont trip over that elitism, its showing! And again, less players playing= dead game, you still havent addressed that.

Last I checked, people kept pushing 30s even when rewards stopped at 20, crazy right?

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Don’t really think that’s a fair statement given the fact that Gilded/Aspect crests were moved from 6s to 9s.

In previous seasons, there was a path to upgrade Heroic-track gear that is now closed if you’re not stepping into 9s and 10s.

You can “rain gear from the skies” but what’s the point of even farming Heroic gear if you won’t be able to upgrade it past the max level of Champion gear anyways?


Someone always needs better gear to complete content. Should they have it?

Based on our previous interactions, wasn’t the answer by you, no as well?

Like give best gear to lfr and heroic dungeon people.

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