Current Rarest Class?

It’s funny cause its true. They don’t even realize they are trash DPS until P3/4 and insist on playing bottom feeder dps.

I haven’t seen a lot of Hunters and Rogues.

Hahahahahaha… lololol… hahahaha… Wait, are you serious?


Hunter or feral.

I guess you haven’t heard of a spell called tricks or vanish have you?

Rogues don’t have threat issues when played properly.

Ive ran more heroics with ele shams than hunters so far. Hunter seem super rare on Grobb.

Holy / Spriest. I know you said besides priest. But priest. :smiley:

I didn’t say they did? I said you have to pay even more attention. You’re misunderstand me saying they are squishy with saying they are incapable of surviving. The fact is people don’t want to have to pay that much attention. Rogues are harder to play and thus there are less of them.

Absolutely needed? You high?

Rogues bring less utility to groups, they really had no strong place in dungeon spam groups, outside of Tricks and distract, I cant think of a raid reason to specifically seek one out over other melee atm. They have good numbers, but so do DKs, and they bring boss debuffs and melee buffs, same with enhance shams and totems.

Prob better than a DPS war, but they can always go tank for patchwerk, I guess?

You need to check out spellhance hybrid

welcome to wow pve lol. if u find a fun class let me know. i havent seen anything fun since tbc prot warr

Rsham to me is the most involved healer in 5mans at least. since you have a kick, grounding, more util than anyone with the correct totems, and decent dps.

anyway i agree that resto sham is rarest. i vacuumed up so much loot in the past week

Shaman and Hunters are what I see least.

Few mages out there than I would expect. Same as locks.

My raid pugs have mostly DKs, paladin and druids. Our 25 has 6 druids.

It seems allowing people to start Death Knights at prepatch caused a bigger surge than what I remember in 08. Since players couldn’t start one until wrath release prior, it was a major deterrent for people that didn’t want to try to level from 55-80 in such a small window of time before they could step into Naxx in fear they would lose their spot.

resto shaman for sure

Resto shamans are great if you’re good at it. They get a bad reputation because most aren’t very good. Having a 6 second cooldown ranged interrupt and a totem for any potential problem makes them fantastic in capable hands.

You are just wrong. Rogue is the 2nd highest played class after mages. They have the 2nd most parses on warcraft logs for NAXX. Mages have the most.


Rogue has always been super popular. Just less so now because DKs exist.

I never see warriors. If your raid cares about parses they’re the only way to get past the -25% debuff cap on bosses (their 5 minute throw takes it to -45%).

Are you dense? When did I say rogues were rare? I said there are less of them. Also only like 1% of the playerbase uses your cancerous “parsing” bullsh*t

Hunter, warrior, and shaman are the least played classes on Warcraft logs so far for WOTLK. They have the fewest parses.

I’m just using parses as data since it is all we have to look at. Most guilds log their raids, maybe not to tryhard, but just for history and for review. So anyone in those raids will be in the numbers I’m citing.

There are tons of rogues, and always have been in Classic.

They are only being played less because there is a new class that is the new shiny toy, not because rogues take more damage in Nax.

Your entire premise is BS.