I’m thinking of rolling an alt. I’m wondering what class is the rarest right now (besides Priest).
What class are guilds really looking for?
I’m thinking of rolling an alt. I’m wondering what class is the rarest right now (besides Priest).
What class are guilds really looking for?
Ele or enhance shammys
What about feral druids? Are they in demand?
Every raid is already so melee/tank heavy so I would personally suggest something ranged.
are not always the same thing.
Guilds will always look for one moonkin, shadow, and sometimes ele (or any heal really). But will have spots for 4 warlocks or/and mages
The rarest class at the moment is Rogue, followed by Shaman, both at 7% of the population each. Then it’s Hunter, Priest and Warlock at 8% each.
shaman master race
My biggest issue is that I struggle to stay interested in pure dps classes. They’re just so boring in dungeons. I gravitate towards tanking and healing because I enjoy doing more than just spamming damage spells.
I played a Hunter in OG vanilla and loved it. Nothing was more satisfying than peeling a mob off and freeze trapping it.
I really hope Heroic+ brings back crowd control.
Shaman, I don’t know where they all went but raid teams need a lust.
Hunter seems like the rarest
Shamans are boring af to play in Wrath imo, especially Ele and Resto. Resto is just a Chain heal bot and ele had like 3 button rotation, half the fight is just hard spamming lightning bolt lol.
It doesn’t help that shamans also scale super poorly, so people don’t find it worthwhile to invest in one.
Most guilds i see are struggling to find an enhance. The rotation takes time to learn, they are S+ tier dps right now but fall off significantly in later tiers, and they are generally a tough investment.
Balance druid
Shamans went extinct in wrath but people still want lust, so perhaps that
I dont think you could go wrong with any healer.
Current class/spec combo I have yet to see anywhere is Feral tank. Works for me, and my guild rogues also love it.
All I see are raid and pvp teams begging for shamans, especially Resto shamans. It feels good
Its funny how much people differ. I don’t play tanks or healers because my experience with them in the past is that they are incredibly boring to play. Tanks get a little action in some content by having to position bosses correctly or do swap mechanics but in general its so boring. And no offense to healers but some healer UIs are like 4 buttons.
Priests… Only class we can’t find. Swimming in everything else but only 1 priest in the guild