Current Rarest Class?

My guilds had a perpetual mage drought since TBC, lol.

Luckily we have one who rolled mage in vanilla to play through all of classic, so we at least get mage tables.

There are a metric ton of mages and they have been like the most popular class since Classic released, next to warrior.

Your guild just has bad luck.

Yeah. Still a lot of shamans coz muru, in sunwell.

I’d say shadow priest is rare. Tied in with feral Druid’s.

Below that def rogue and shaman and hunters

Rest druid , balance are common tho.

Resto is fine, you’ll need 1 in every raid due to Heroism/Bloodlust.

Spellhance looks good on paper but enhance itself is a very complicated spec, you need to spam a bunch of priority buttons and eventually you’ll get burned out if some fights don’t go your way because even the smallest mistake is a big DPS loss or you can’t sneak away SP stuff from casters.

Problem with 5 mans is that it’s a complete joke, you don’t even have to do anything but keep Riptide up and Lesser Heal + Occasionally chain heal once you start reaching pre-raid BiS.

But they are def fun though if you want to min/max heals, also if you found TBC Prot Warr fun then Wrath Prot Warr will blow your mind.

Rogue is not rare. They have the 2nd most parses in NAX since NAX released. I love how people just make things up.

I’m watching a raid right now with 3 rogues in it.

Spriest is also probably higher than hunter or shaman.

On my server they are rare. Surprisingly

Shammy Love!!!

Doubtful. It is the same thing as you starting to notice a certain model of car more once you start thinking about it.

They are there, you are just ignoring them.

Says in census pallys , dk are top

Could be confirmation bias from playing a lock but locks don’t seem that rare to me.

It’s just seems that way because you can’t see them. (stealth).

Playing an Elemental shaman right now… and i have to say in the time between first entering Borean Tundra at 70 and today, i have seen TWO other elemental shaman, ONE normal enhancement shaman and ONE Spellhance shaman.

Shaman population went over a cliff and im not gonna complain because hey, more gear for me :woozy_face:

Im a Holy Paladin. I feel like everyone is either a holy paladin or a DK.

Least played seems to be Priests and Shamans. But im not 80 yet.

Picking up some pugs for naxx last night and 3/4 of the pings were ferals. Took 45m to find a disc priest

i find wrath prot so easy tho it’s not fun at all. it’s impossible to lose threat and i literally spam 1 macro, mouseover revenge cleave

people are looking for priests, especially with 25m naxx not having crystals

Unholy DK named xArthasxgg

doesn’t exist

A meme to the shaman community

Is not a class …

This is probably a good indicator:

Hunter looks pretty unpopular - strangely.

Though it will differ from server to server and faction to faction. Refine your search to suit.

Shammies are likely rarer on Alliance servers than on Horde - simply due to having been a later addition without a boost option initially.

You must be fighting bot dks in full greens with no trinket or ibf down? Nice try. They’re easy to kill cause most are bad but 3 shot? Okay bud lol