Current Rarest Class?

paladin and DK are super rare, should probably level one of those up


Before launch every guild recruitment post was looking for a priest.

Mostly shadow and some disc.

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Ya its hard for us to stand out with all the pallies and DKs running around. Dispite the fact we are thee best single target tank in the game. Biggest problem is I can’t seem to find a guild that doesn’t already have like 5 Tanks in it already.

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I rarely ever see Shamans. What gives lol.
Also, Feral Druids.
I seen like 2, maybe 3 but 1 time it was a hunters pet lmao.

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You lack the utility the paladin does and they aren’t that far behind for single target tanking.

So saying “the best” isn’t exactly correct.

The usual suspects. Every time I’ve checked statistics like this each expansion it was Rogue, Shaman, Warlock least played with Druid, Hunter, Paladin most played.

Warlock and Hunter may move around but generally this is class pop each expansion.

Does this apply to resto? Just wondering for uhh…reasons. Not that I’m playing a resto shaman or anything. Definitely.

Hunters and Shamans - as a Enh/Resto I’m loving it - did a 25man naxx and was only rolling against one other guy

^that. Especially, resto shamans.
We all knew we won’t need as many resto shamys as we did in TBC, but finding a resto shamy now is practically impossible.

Ran all 10’s and 25’s (10 nax guild 25 naxx pug this week, rest were pugs too) and all resto shamy gear was DE’d unless a hpala needed it.

I’ll give it to ya straight.

All the suck-y or mad boring classes are the rarest

Boring classes aren’t rare if they’re overtuned, but the the first part of your post is an eternal law of the universe.

If you want to dps, go boomie or spriest. If you want to heal, go disc.

Anything that heals.

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I second this, make sure you level both to be honest. Because we need both desperately.

Not sure why Rogues kill so fast trust me. 3 shot DKS :stuck_out_tongue:

To be honest, and please here me out on this, the rarest are actually DKs, Warriors and Pallys.

Why? Beacuse the majority of them refuse to tank and are DPS. Guilds can built entirely new raid teams around you if you are a tank.

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Rogues are squishy melee so you need to pay even more attention to the mechanics and also your rotations are more annoying. Though not as bad in WOTLK as in vanilla if I recall correctly. If I end up renewing my sub I plan on leveling a rogue.

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Class stacking is already way worse than tbc. Bring player not class, is not true in wotlk as people said. Locks locks dks dks, even rogues. 1 or 2 of everything else.

Holy paladin the only viabe tank heal

Holy Priest