Current Q&A is pretty interesting

Nathanos is the self-insert for Steve Danuser. Can’t stand the man, butchering the lore for his own arrogance and the reason why Nathanos has become so central to the Horde storyline.


Well. I appreciate the time they took to do this but there really wasn’t much lore talked about. More on the processes and behind the scene stuff than anything else.

And yeah what questions were answered? hahaha

To be fair they didn’t advertise this as a Q&A but why bother asking for people to leave comments if you weren’t going to touch on anything they put? They should have just done an announcement with comments disabled.


What was the whole point of them asking was questions we wanted answered?

They spent the entire hour talking about stuff WE ALREADY KNOW.

Every day it gets harder to defend these people and continue to enjoy the game.

An hour of my time wasted.


communication is a two-way street. they didn’t give us any new information, they didn’t address any concerns. nothing about this was communicative at all.


Normally I’m with you, but… what communication? They had that thread up the past few days for gathering questions and then ignored them all.

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It wasn’t a Q&A.


I don’t know why people think this was intended to be a Q&A. It’s just them talking about their process, that’s all it ever was. I for one thought it was pretty interesting. It wasn’t intended to be some big dump of “oh hey have all the story spoilers”.

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Be sure to mention this to everyone in game that you know. How players were yet ignored again by blizz. They just want your money. They don’t want to address the nightelves willingly siding with Sylvannas. Because they can’t explain it without making themselves look stupid.

Blizzard providing more content for Asmongold next video :joy:

I mean - it’s them talking about what they do. Clearly it’s interesting to some people. Not that feedback on what they’re putting out isn’t warranted.

i know recently they told us it wouldnt be a Q&A, but at the end of Ion’s last one, didn’t he say there’d be a “Lore Q&A next month (January)?”

edit: found it. 1-hour mark, Josh Allen says they have “another one of these” planned for early Jan.

the whole thing didn’t have to be spent answering questions, but what’s the point of taking feedback and suggestions for topics if they are just going to ignore them all?


I don’t know man… That was pretty much the exact opposite of ‘interesting’ in my opinion. I don’t think I gleaned one interesting tidbit for the entire hour.

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Well…that Q&A was a waste of time. It was basically a circle jerk about how great the 8.0 story was, absolutely jack on moving forward.

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Don’t get me wrong I enjoy hearing from the artists. And upon further digging there’s this,

I just skimmed the comments on that post and assumed they were taking questions, but I guess not. Oh well.

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its interesting how they just confirm that the bfa horde bullcrap history its just a rehashed mop story, but now with the extra drama by the formol queen

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After watching the panel, does it make you more motivated to play? Or does it make following the story kinda boring?

almost make me want to shot myself in the back of the head, so yes play more.

It had zero impact either way. I feel like I wasted an hour.

The questions they do answer always seem set up anyway.

Nothing controversial, or what people constantly ask on the boards and such, is ever really answered.

They did ask what we would like to see discussed. There were tons of night elven lore questions and they didn’t answer any. Basically talked about Malurion being all RAWR and Tyrande being powerful as a Night Warrior, but the burning questions that were upvoted were not addressed at all.

Maybe it will come out further down the road, but it’s hard to stay motivated as a Night Elf when we have been stepped on again and again and again. It’s frustrating.

While it’s interesting hearing about the process and their passion, it does nothing for someone like me, who has been a Night Elf for 14 years, saw my home burned to the ground, had no agency to aid my people but had to go off helping Jaina, see my Malfurion and Tyrande FINALLY taking action, only to have it culminate in a warfront is just heart rending.

I didn’t have to win, but I should feel motivated to go on. We know Azshara will be coming so what are the odds Night Elves will get any type of conclusion?