Current Q&A is pretty interesting

I like how passionate these guys are about what they are discussing, compared to Ion’s droning on. Anyone else?

Edit: Well, nevermind. They didn’t answer any questions at the end like I expected.

The talk was interesting, but it was a pretty garbage Q&A.


Thank you for reminding me! Gonna watch now :grinning:

Sadly they are messing up the game about as much.


Completely forgot about it as well.

it’s actually so boring. we want to see improvements to the game, not this constant babbling about a 6 month old cinematic

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Speak for yourself. I want to hear from the artists, they still do a phenomenal job.


26 minutes in and they’re still going on about the story put together months ago.

I like both of these guys, but I’m struggling right now to find out…what the point of this is.


It is just a discussion that you’re eavesdropping on. Not really a Q&A.


I can’t wait to see Taliesen and Evitel do their takeoff on this.


Pretty much lol… A little disappointed this feels pretty ad hoc and like they are just talking about whatever. Was hoping they would actually discuss some of the lore people asked about in the comments of the news article.

this. I’m listening in, and so far all i’ve heard is them going back and forth patting each other on the back for a job well done, and hinting at stuff they’re not at liberty to go into full detail yet.

edit: i know it wasn’t really advertised as a “Q&A,” but they did ask for our input on possible topics. So far i’ve heard nothing about the most upvoted comments, and it’s literally only what they wanted to talk about, complete with prepared cutaways to cutscenes and stuff. The first half, at least, is seems pretty scripted.


I was hoping they would give new info on what’s going on and clarifying some things like why the undead night elves joined the Horde and if void elves are recruiting others.


It’s more like something they’d do on a Blizzcon panel. I’d rather hear them address some of the things people put in comment section on Blog. Perhaps they’ll touch on some at the end though since we’re only halfway through it but at this rate I highly doubt it. I’d rather be listening to Ion tbh.


Well, we know the Talanji/Bwonsamdi story is going to progress. That’s all I have heard so far.

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They’re more entertaining to watch/listen to. Both are clearly putting in effort to simultaneously engage with each other and the viewer on the other side. Like, I’m fully following them as I’m posting here, which is hard to do during Ion’s streams. It just comes down to them being conversational rather than straight-up informational.

The whole part about people anticipating Kul Tirans since Warcraft II was pretty ridiculous, though. People have been waiting for High Elves since Warcraft II, while Kul Tirans have just been humans in lore until BfA hit.


They won’t shut up and answer any questions. It’s just talk between themselves, omg so boring.

Watch them avoid addressing that one, I bet they won’t touch it. Because they know they were wrong to do that in the first place.

So far all I’ve hear is the process…
better suited to a technical panel or the like.


Link please. I can’t find it.


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