Current gearing systems are not casual friendly

WoW is a progression MMO, doing harder content should reward better gear.

Again those who raid mythic and do higher keys in mythic+ can still acquire the best gear
While casuals cant do that

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By what 10 ilevel? Hardly worth it, m+ is capped at 400 drop then 410 chest.

I was responding to you not the OP, I have responded to the OP in a different post above yours. Apologies for the confusion.

those 10-15 ilvls give a huge deal in dps

Why should doing a warfront give 400 ilevel gear, gear equal to someone doing a m10?

The amount of effort in the warfront != that of someone doing a m10.

Is doing a warfront = to being 1800 in PvP as well?


I wish I could upvote this like x1000

When I was doing warfronts it gave me 360 crap gear and only once 390 or 380 by a quest , i dont know where you get this information about 400

You get a piece of 400 gear for doing the warfront quest.

But only once and itā€™s not 400 maybe you just got warforged upgrade or something which is rare

Thatā€™s just, like, your opinion man. Itā€™s also a RPG, a game, and we shouldnā€™t all be on the progression path else stomped in the content we do find fun. Better gear for harder content is fine, so long as it is mostly in its prestige value, not its competitive necessity.

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Big difference there though, I can run m10+ all day. I can only complete the darkshore warfront quest once a rotation. Agree or disagree with the iLvL of the gear as you will, but they are not comparable at all. Frequency of access matters a lot when discussing this. Because if I can get a 500 iLvL itemā€¦ but only once every six months does it really count? Statistically not really, because my iLvL and access to gear will have changed in the intervening time anyway.

I noticed there is a BIG gear iLvl threshold; once you hit it thereā€™s a very noticeable difference in how quickly things die. Iā€™m not sure this is a bad thing, as it feels kind of good. Perfect segue into my response to the OP:

Iā€™m as casual as it gets in this game. Not because thatā€™s what I prefer, but simply because I do not have the time. I find that this game is very good at handling casual and hardcore content alike. That being said, let me bullet point my thoughts hereā€¦

ā€¢ Why exactly is overgearing bad? Who didnā€™t like near the end of Legion when you felt like a hot chainsaw through butter? Feeling like a powerhouse is good, no?

ā€¢ Why is there still this pervasive sentiment about who ā€œdeservesā€ gear? Everyone pays their subs right? People do the content they can and want to, and there should be rewards for doing it. Just because some people have more time doesnā€™t mean they naturally deserve better stuff. I firmly believe that whatever someone else does or has in this game does not devalue what you did or have. Not only that, These differing groups of players hardly ever overlap in content, so who cares?

ā€¢ So, youā€™re saying youā€™re a casual player, but you want to be rewarded worse gear for what you do? Iā€™m sorry, what?? Going back to point 1, if you feel your gear is making stuff too easy, then just keep the lesser gear you have on and keep enjoying what you do. If gear distribution is changed the way you want it, you might be happy, but it screws me over.

The whole goal of these systems is to balance the needs and rewards of a wide range of players. To that end, I really feel they do a good job there. I think you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.

Yes it is 400, for the Darkshore quest you get a 400 piece.

Who cares if itā€™s ā€œjust onceā€? Those ā€œjust onceā€ add up. Thereā€™s is so little effort to doing Warfronts that itā€™s laughable.

Easy content like Warfronts shouldnā€™t reward heroic BoD/m10 level gear even if itā€™s ā€œjust onceā€. Sure you can spam 10s but that takes actual effort for most of the population.

WoW has always been about progression and effort, you should be rewarded for your skill and effort. Somebody playing a 2400 should have better gear than someone doing casual bgs. The only thing I would change about that is allowing people to buy previous season gear with honor.

WoTLKā€™s system was great because if you were a causal, you could still do fine in PvP with a previous season set you could purchase with honor however it still wasnā€™t ā€œ5 ilevelsā€ behind the new season gear making it virtually pointless to be higher rated progression wise.

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In your opinion. There are significant gearing arguments that counter that viewpoint. Particularly getting people back into the game after having had to take breaks for life. Without those gearing opportunities WoW and raid teams suffer because people arenā€™t able to do what they need to do to have a stable life and raid. In the end real life will always win.

Feels like a lot of people are reading the headline then jumping to conclusions.

Basically some of us scrub casuals want less access to good gear so we have more content to do.

In previous expansions I would level, do quests for gear, do a few dungeons, then a few mythics, then head into LFR once I reached the minimum ilevel and try and get gear (and the LFR version of the raid set for transmog), then if I was feeling particularly spry try and do some low level M+. That was completely satisfying to me and I didnā€™t care if other people had better gear or if there was no other way for me to get gear. I had reached my end game and was fine with it.

Now in BFA I level, do some world quests andā€¦ well no reason to do normal dungeons now as I have outgeared them. So let me do a few invasions and look at mythic 0ā€¦ ah no sense in doing those either. Letā€™s hit up some warfronts and get gearā€¦ well that was fun. I got a 400 piece for doing nothing. Letā€™s hit LFRā€¦ errā€¦ wait, it starts at 370ā€¦ well I already have gear better than that in most slots so what is the point. Maybe Iā€™ll go just go to get the LFR tier setā€¦ ah man, those donā€™t exist anymore.

TLDR; there just really isnā€™t a progression path anymore for casuals because gear is too easy to come by.


Itā€™s not in opinion, itā€™s a fact that it takes way more effort to do a m10 than it takes to do a warfront. As I said in a earlier post, I do one 10+ a week(an hour tops) then do heroic/mythic BoD twice a week(6 hours total) from 8-11pm on top of casually qing arenas at a highidh rating. I STILL have a life and do what I need to do, 7 hours out TOTAL of your 168 in a week is virtually nothing, 1 hour to do a 10 is also NOTHING. People make constant excuses about ā€œtimeā€ when it reality itā€™s about them not wanting to put in effort to try to play the game at a higher level. They want instant gratification, and itā€™s ruining gaming as a wholez

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No the Darkshore quest gives you a 400, but thatā€™s not the only time you see something like that. You get 385-400 all over the place. You can get 385 from just doing WFs, WQs, and random BGs. You know where else you get 385 gear? M+5. People doing super easy content are very quickly geared so much that they only get upgrades by doing M+6-8, when they are in no way prepared skill wise, nor do many of them even want to go that high. What if you just enjoy doing M+3-5 and random BGs? Youā€™ll be way overgeared and get no relevant rewards for your effort, which significantly reduces the fun factor.


Iā€™m going to step away, you seem to be clearly not interested in view points beyond your own. Let it suffice that I think the story is much more complicated than ā€œGetting gear should be hard because <insert reason>ā€. I think there are a lot more dynamics in the game than either one of us is able to see with our limited view.

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Canā€™t like this enough, this is what Iā€™m trying to stress gear should be rewarded based on SKILL, and harder content not just helping Tidesage Nollah obliterate a seagull. Gear SHOULD feel like it matters, somebody who just does WQs or LFR shouldnā€™t be able to go queue a warfront and get a 400 piece.