I’m not sure I follow, the OP specifically said “I don’t have time to commit to harder content”
They said nothing about not having time to do the relevant casual content that they want to engage in.
Would they have the same gear as they have currently? No, it would be lower. Are they ok with that? OP seems to believe they would be.
I can’t understand how you can argue that “people who have time would blitz right through basic content” making the content irrelevant for OP. It would slow down all gearing in general as those other players also wouldn’t have access to those high level pieces from WQs and warfronts.
I’m not sure that OP necessarily wants to be “carried by players doing low keys” either. It sounds very much like they want to play the game at appropriate difficulty for appropriate rewards.
Getting full geared does not appear to be their motive, they seem to be more interested in simply having the content to do while feeling rewarded for it. Whether its a 340 piece or a 370 piece that is irrelevant, as long as their actual ilvl isn’t 20 ilvl average over that reward.
BfA is fantastically easy to gear up in. No-one is denying that.
The issue that some people have, OP included it seems, is that it is too easy.
OP doesn’t want to be 380 in a few days if the content they have the time to devote to only rewards 370 gear.
I agree M+ isn’t, but that’s not casual content either.
I think maybe the issue here is the definition of “casual”, what we are talking about is players that do not want to take part into organized group content.
When I considered myself a casual player I would use the dungeon finder to join a group with random people and do LFR, but I would not join a regular raiding group (not Heroic not normal) nor push challenge mode dungeons (there was no M+ yet but if there was that would have not been something I would do).
Players doing M+ keys and progressing in Normal / Heroic raiding are a bit above the level of what we are considering “casual” here, but the term if so wide so depending on your perspective it might mean very different thing, I can’t think of a correct word to use though.
Again it depends on everyone’s definition of casual, I’m pushing for +15 keys so I could tell you that +10s are super casual too, and someone doing +20’s could say the content I do is casual…
My point is that the word “casual” is very vague, and what I explained is what’s what the OP means by “casual”
Maybe, just maybe the intent is for you to then engage in some of that Other content?
The argument is absurd… If you’re playing casually, just what did you plan on doing when you did finally reach your casual gear ceiling? The same casual content you were doing? Please enlighten us on what gearing too quickly means to casual content, when you have no intention of trying more challenging content? Gear after a certain point is only meant to do more difficult content, not to be 425 geared to do WQ’s… It’s not necessary. There’s tons of “casual” content to do that don’t involve ilvl increase.
ilvl is an arbitrary number when forced through the filter that is the WoW community.
You people don’t seem to know what you’re exactly fighting for.
The only thing she wouldn’t have time for is raiding, so I don’t see how removing catch-up gear would help her do that. Again, the issue with her is time not gear.
OP for what ever reason only has enough time to do upwards of M+2, but doesn’t have enough time to do M+5-10 even though world gear can easily set you up for that range. Doesn’t exactly make sense.
I’m sorry, but you obviously have difficulty seeing their intentions without filtering it through your viewpoints.
The issue is they don’t want to casual content ie LFR/M0 with inflated ilvls from easily available world content / warfronts.
They want to do that same content with an ilvl appropriate to that level.
Just because content is “easy for you” doesn’t mean it’s easy or not time consuming for them. They might not want to only do M+ 10s.
The issue is what Haavi has described all too well by now, I don’t see how you don’t get it…
There’s a large amount of players that can’t or don’t want to dedicate the time to learn the dungeon mechanics too deeply nor deal with M+ timer, nor watch videos and learn the fights to be able to Raid at Normal/Heroic level.
Those players have traditionally enjoyed Heroic dungeons and LFR and that content has been rewarding for them, the OP doens’t care about having high item level and be able to jump into Heroic raiding or middle tier M+ keys… He/she is not going to do that (not because of gear), what he/she wants to do is easier content but without overgearing it by 30 item levels in a few weeks…
Then how is this an issue with gearing, especially when raider IO exists? Players aren’t going to know content either way, geared or not, but we do live in a world where raider IO solves this issue specifically.
Which at this stage in an expansion is now M+, something that OP says she has time for, but something she also says she doesn’t have time for at higher ends of gameplay.
Going to go ahead and repeat myself.
Essentially OP is stating that she wants other peoples houses to be more run down so that her hovel seems less dumpy and more homey.
Honestly I just think you are either trolling or simply not able to take other’s viewpoints, or put yourself into somebody else’s shoes, in any case there’s no point in discussing this issue further, which I’m fine with since it has been clearly explained already to the point that I’m confident that anyone who reads it will get the point.
Do people like these ability/ talent based gear in the last couple expansions?
Personally I would like to see these abilities and talents be put back into the standard spellbook/ talent system as part of the leveling experience. Go back to just trinkets and maybe a few weapons that have procs.
So they have 389+ gear and 132 raider io level which gets them into what exactly? a +2 which rewards 375-380 gear?
Case and point. Due to increased gearing, the content appropriate to them is unrewarding.
Raider io only solves gating issues, it’s a partial solution to larger problem. All it means it people are forced to run irrelevant content IF they want to progress higher.
Not everyone wants to do +10 mythics.
I mean, you are being pretty offensive to the OP realistically.
Also entirely fallacious. OP’s statement is nothing like your proposed analogy.
If anything it is the reverse. They are saying they don’t want their luxury condo that was afforded to them through welfare, they would rather reap the rewards of their own labour.
To me it sounds like a personal problem. You want the reward for playing for hours a day, but only have various hours through out the week to do it? I have gotten three toons to level 120 in a month and all to 370+ gear. Didn’t take very long. Go for the certain WQs the give gear out. You can do one Island expedition a day and reach the weekly reward. If you’re attacking or defending. If it is up try and make it priority number 1. Takes less than 5 hours game time to get to 355. At that point if you have friends you’re playing with ask if they want to do M0s or maybe an arena or two. Don’t forget your weekly also.
This is more how it feels, for sure. Gear is falling from the sky right now, and it feels like you are outgearing content before you even reach it, let alone complete it. Players are reaching gear levels beyond their appropriate content level. When they do content appropriate for them, there is little reward as it’s already overgeared. So if they want to be rewarded, they likely have to do content outside of their comfort level. Both of these options are not fun.