I need to run a couple of errands, but the air temp here is 5°F with a feels-like temp of -7°F (-15°C/-22°C). Getting the car washed is right out.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some stuff won’t turn off until weekly reset, although I would be at a loss to explain why some things stayed but not others. It’s software; it’s capable of infinite perversity and arbitrariness.
I don’t have a patience. My mother does though. Even though I can crochet and knit.
Instead I have those crochet/knitting looms that you can get. You wind the yarn around them and then use a tool to secure the yearn. It goes much faster for me then either crochet of knitting.
So yesterday, I thought it’d be a good day for a long run. low to mid 70s with humidity around 80%. By mile 15 I was struggling and by 17 I was toast. Where’s that cold snap we were promised?!?!?!?
Those things try my patience much more than regular knitting or crocheting. They seem much slower to me. But I’m glad they work for you!
I take costco parking lots for granted there never icy now other parking lots not so much havent slipped but icy.
It’s about the same temp here. I live right by a car wash and there has been a noticeable absence of car washing noises this morning. I drove by a bit ago and they have cones blocking both the automatic washes and the self wash bays, in case anyone thought of trying it.
Washing the car at these temps is a good way to get yourself frozen out of the car. Not a good idea. Just drive around in a salt monster until it warms a bit.
Go Lions!
Yay to the Lions! I was a bit worried about last nights game, but I apparently shouldn’t have been. It wasn’t a blowout, but it wasn’t too much of a challenge. Playoffs here we come!
Las Vegas odds have the Lions as the number one to win the Superbowl.
We have never been there.
It’s been a loooong time coming. Last championship was in the 50s, I think?
Tigers seem to be turning the corner… The Red Wings have been doing alright now that they’ve fired their coach (pour encourager les autres). Pistons are almost .500, which is pretty amazing for them of late… Now we just need some championship titles.
Did you read where the Vikings bought 1.6 million dollars’ worth of tickets in the lower bowl behind the Vikings bench? 1000 per ticket. The sold them to their season ticket holders for 200. Most got resold for 1000 to Lions fans. They wanted to block the noise behind their bench. Didn’t work.
I missed that. That’s awesome. I can’t even imagine how loud that place would have been. It would have been awesome to go.
So Wowhead had the Anniversary event ending today, but the in-game calendar (and the actual event…) say it goes into tomorrow morning. So I can get at least one more character up to max level. Once I got everything from the weekend caught up, work was slow enough I managed to get a couple dungeons in.
I made sure to use up all my tokens.
I had them all used, but now I need to spend a few again. Oh, well.
I’m currently trying to figure out what to spend mine on. I don’t have enough for everything. Likewise, trying to determine what to spend timewarped badges on, i.e. which things bought with those will go away after the event, versus ones that are always on one of the TW vendors. That’s my project for the rest of the day.
However you do spend them, if you have leftovers, there’s a vendor that has a conversion to Timewarped Badges at one Celebration Token to twenty Timewarped.
Also, keep in mind that Turbulent Timeways starts after reset and we will doing all the Timewalking iterations during it. Plus, Blizz has been adding new items to the TW vendors, so always good to have as many TW badges available as possible.
The event runs from 7 JAN 2025 until 25 FEB 2025 (according to in-game calendar as of today).
Hey folks.
Got snowed in today, not doing a thing. Did some cleaning and other stuff since leaving is certainly not an option.
Giving blood tomorrow and finalizing all my stuff for work. I’m pretty excited.
I don’t see a problem here…
And good luck on all the stuff tomorrow!