[CS Lounge] We're gonna teach 'em how to say goodbye

So long and thankyou for the fish erm bananas.



Dropped mine off (AGAIN) before the holiday weekend because it wouldn’t start without a jump. Turns out it was just a weak battery that needed replacing, but they also noticed a tie rod that needed attention. After all was said and done, it was ‘only’ $1060.

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I dont think they can just replace a tie rod can they? They had to reolace that entire part, if i recall properly at least.

I know when it happened to my exes Mustang we had to replace half the front end if i recall correctly. Hence the price.

I am off for 4 glorious days. A mini vacay

Taking the boys to Kansas tomorrow. My boss told me about a small community zoo and water play area many years ago. Figure go check it out cuz why not. My ex was going to take boys there last year but never got around to it cuz reasons.

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Grats! And :face_holding_back_tears: (yeah, I know you’ll still be around, but still!) Does that mean we have to break someone new(ish) in?

Don’t forget to bring them back.

I don’t know what I came down with, but yesterday was not great. I have a work from home job that I couldn’t even do. I ended up “leaving” sick before I made it even halfway through the day. Which did not make many friends with my coworkers since we were pretty busy.

But after sleeping most of yesterday, and a solid night of sleep on top of it, I’m feeling a lot better. Not 100%, but I can function at least.


Watching Orville and having to remind myself this isn’t Star Trek.

Star Trek Laws and Regulations don’t exist in the Orville Universe.

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You mean they FOLLOW the Prime Directive?

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Ha ha ha oh hell no.

There’s literally an episode in the first season where one of their officers becomes the goddess of an entire planet/religion.

So just like Star Trek.

That could be a dangerous prospect. One bad season and you’re sacrificed.

I enjoy Orville and I’m glad Hulu picked it up for more seasons. But I also enjoy Star Trek :slight_smile: Strange New Worlds has been a nice return to the classic format. Discovery is good for its own reasons but I like the episodic nature – something new each week vs a season long arch progressing each episode.


Happy bday to me and vrak we may look old but were still 20.


Happy birthday, Darthwraith!


18 with a few years of practice?

Happy BDay, y’all!

Happy Birthday to both of you!!🎂🎉🎂🎉

Happy Birthday Darth and Vrak!


Happy Birthday to all the birthday people!

It is sad that Kalviery is leaving just when he gets his fez back. Change is good sometimes though.

I got my Pepe whistle yesterday. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Most of the bosses were in the same raids. Got a bunch of his costumes too while I was at it. Now I’m running some BFA dungeons to see them. Raids are still too hard.


No more Funky Monkey…

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don’t go to the light… IT’S A TRAP!!


Congrats! Good luck with the new path and don’t be a stranger~

And Happy Birthday to Vrak and Darth! So many July birthdays, it seems.


Picked up death standing lets see what so good about it.

Has the new season been released?

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