Eek! Does drinking lots of water help you? Well, that is if your issue is that the levels are too high. My husband goes on a water binge when his skyrockets and it seems to help him a great deal.
Yes it does, and so does broth. Got a little to careless and let things go. When my meter just says “High” for my levels, it’s time to get it down fast. My A1C is gonna be crap next blood test.
We are hoping that hubby’s will be down when he has his next checkup on Monday. The doctor had put him on Ozempic last visit and it has helped tremendously with keeping his levels down. Side effect (aka benefit) was that it curbed his appetite tremendously.
Got Glory of the Uldir Raider tonight. Got muh crog. We only did the first round of orbs and powered through the rest
My health plan doesn’t cover that, so I’m stuck with insulin and exercise.
Bummer. We had to contact his health insurance provider and have them look over the paperwork from doctor to finally get their approval. The cost of the Ozempic without insurance was way too high.
Well, right now the signs are not that bad. I think I caught it just in time. Switching to a fast of broth and water for a few days, and take my insulin. It was a stupid mistake on my part and I shouldn’t have let it go too long. Not gonna be getting much sleep tonight as I’m having to pee every hour. Knew something was wrong tonight at the event I went too.
The hard part is letting my dad know what is going on. I’m gonna get a lecture about not taking care of things as I should.
Sometimes if your doc sends a letter stating you’ve tried other strategies and they aren’t as effective it can force your insurance to cover meds they would otherwise deny.
I know my other half is struggling with getting used to things again. They were just on an antibiotic that tanked their sugar, so they used maybe 3 units of insulin in a week.
She has CF related diabetes which is closer to type I but slightly different. So things can get wonky at times.
snuggles Kagara
im a paladin again! the forums seen to be confused on what character i actually am
Woke up to foot and ankle cramps, but my sugar levels are back down to reasonable levels, looks like it was just a bad spike, still gonna give it a day or two to normalize.
Right now, just have to resist the temptation to eat something, as I’m quite hungry right now.
Erm… is that really a good idea? You need to eat.
Fasting with high blood sugars is one of the safest ways to bring it down. Fasts of 24 hours are perfectly safe. Even longer as long as you’re staying hydrated.
Keeping blood sugar high has far worse consequences than going a little while without food. And one of the biggest risks for most people with fasting is hypoglycemia, which isn’t a problem if you’re sugar is high enough for a glucose meter to just say high.
Thank you for that Jixx. I’ve only had experience with the gestational type, so obviously, fasting isn’t something they want you to do.
And those are just BC.
Have you seen the roads in the territories (and much of the First Nation lands)?
Ontario may be as urban as New York, but even Iowa doesn’t look like the Dempster .
It is amazing what a good night of sleep can do after a horrible night. I still feel bad, but nothing limeni did yesterday. I feel functional today.
I bet South Dakota could give it a run for its money. I-90 between Sioux Falls and Rapid City has got to be the most desolate, uninhabited stretch of highway I’ve ever been cursed to drive.
I dunno. Albuquerque to Amarillo was pretty brutal as well. Started it mid morning and by the time I got there, I felt like I needed a few days sleep to recover.
I-5 through central California.
Used to be full of orchards with fruits and flowers. Now it’s dead orchards and dry plains that are slowly becoming desert. On the east side of the fault line. On the west side before the mountains is desert.
But the cutover on I think it is 152 to casa de fruta is beautiful. I also like 46 cutting over to Paso Robles and Pismo etc. But further down, closer to the 99 merge yeah.
Also Needles I think it is to Barstow is a total snooze fest as well