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I had to mouse over it - which said “post admin actions”. Turns out that is related to the Wiki feature.

I’m pretty sure i started out in a deficit

I’ve been in a deficit since 1973… We are talking about money yes?


:rofl: :rofl:

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6 hours ago? Sleepin’…


So.Much.To. Learn.

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So mini me went to his new Dr for his wellness check today. Recommended by my sis in law. Niece sees the Dr too. She was amazeballs. She listened to everything we had to say, did not discount a single thing, explained her process, and made sure we had no issues with it. And she was very thorough. We could not be happier.

We decided last night to work on Glory of Uldir Raider meta achievement. We have got them all excluding G’Huun. It is a learning the spacing thing to do it quickly and efficiently. Suspect we will get it next Tuesday. Tomorrow is for our normal Heroic raid.

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Finding a good doctor is a great thing. :smile_cat:


Finding a good doctor is one of the best things around imho!


Ugh think j need to g on see that great Dr. Wife and u are both sick. Nothing world shattering. Runny nose itchy ears soar throat, cough

Pretty sure our sinuses decided to drain at the exact same time.

It’s cold and snowing here today :snowflake::snowman_with_snow:

/snuggles up in the pillow fort
/makes hot cocoa


No snow here, yet, but the weather gage says that it is 3 degree F

/sitting near a warm fireplace

I’m currently watching it snow while soloing old raids for fun/mogs/gold.

So pretty outside!
Love the snow. :grinning:

Edit - I’m now seeing that wrench icon on my post that people are talking about now. Apparently I can make this one a wiki post???

Welcome to Trust Level 2. (I’m curious what will happen if people actually use that on posts that aren’t really relevant. Is there some review system?)

Ah, I thought the wiki posts were for TL3 to mark their stuff and TL1-3 can edit them?

Because the MVP guide in GD says the only TL2 perk is more likes.
(Which I’ve totally burned thru once already :smiley: )

I do that a lot. I really like that you can like Blues now.

And I see the wrench too.


Oh, interesting. Yet, that wrench (and the [Invite] option that isn’t mentioned at all) both showed up for me with Trust Level 2. Wonder if that needs to be reported as a Website bug.

Someone’s filed one it seems.


Oh Gnome!
My coworker is picking up Smash from the GameStop at work tonight we’re going to play it there. Then my copy comes in tomorrow.
Game Awards tonight don’t have any games I like up for running, so I’m hesitant to watch it for the reveals. I will be prepping for work when it starts anyway.
/eat Alvie

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My head feels like it is being crushed in a vice right now. Ugh