Trust Level Bug

I think there is a bug, or a incorrect setting in your trust levels. I just reached Trust Level 2 this past weekend, however today I noticed a wrench that allowed me to ‘Wikify’ a post I had just made… See Imgur picture.

TL2 also allows you to see an Invite button that’s in the set of buttons sitting between the last reply and the Suggested Topics area.
According to the pinned guide, TL2 should only be granting more Likes.
So either something changed or something’s not quite right here.

Others in the CS Lounge threads also have noticed it.

I don’t have that invite option… which is why I included the screenshot because I do have the ‘wiki’ option. I was able to wiki a post, and then the option changed to remove the wiki.

Apparently, even though you can make a post a wiki, it doesn’t seem to actually show as a wiki to others, at least when I changed characters.