[CS Lounge] - Welcome to our new home

I was on Discord with two brothers and a sister-in-law last night and made some comment about how I knew I was weird sometimes … then paused and said, yeah, actually that should be most of the time. Because the weirdest thing I could ever be is normal.

Christmas shopping is done this year.

Celebrating by eating a steak burrito.


Normal is an illusion.
What is normal for the spider, is chaos for the fly.
-Morticia Addams


I have lost TW across devices.


Perl lost her shadow too the other day :frowning: I haven’t tried logging back into her yet…maybe tonight.

So my daughter turned 5 this weekend. My wife had setup a whole party for her at a dance studio including a cake, princess dance and a lot of play. As the party got closer, my wife got sicker. So it was up to me to make it all happen. Needless to say, I’m now an excellent dancer (sarcasm) and the best dad in the world…not sarcasm :wink:

Now to finish getting ready for Christmas!!


A post was split to a new topic: Where do I provide feedback?

Ooh, another bit of how these forums work. Splits as well as merges (and notifications for my own little bit of :smile:)


I frequently find myself wondering exactly how many threads I miss due to them being moved to a more appropriate forum.

Used to be the original thread would stay in the source forum with just an icon indicating it had been moved.

Now the mods can safely move it and hide the bodies to leave no one any wiser for it. :stuck_out_tongue:


It is a little different, though the OP is informed about the move. :slight_smile:


Just got back from seeing Peter Jackson’s movie/documentary: They shall not grow old. What a great film about the British experience in WW1. There was a screw up with the 3d equipment, so the theater gave us free movie passes. Gonna go see Mortal Engines on Wednesday

Yeah I liked it when the posts were ghosted as well. Well that is what I called it, but I think you know what I mean.

We braved the shopping centre (mall) today. It actually wasn’t too bad! Helps that we went in early, and their parking area is currently half closed off due to damage, so a lot of people are refusing to go there because they can’t park and walk straight in. There’s two free car parks within a five minute walk, mind you.

ugh, throat is getting raspy. Not looking good…

That’s amazing lol.

I should really go see that. I have friends who were involved in that

I enjoyed it, but you could see where they had to cut the story for time. I hope that they managed to film that stuff and there’ll be an extended edition in the future.

Well today was certainly productive Met the surgeon for the final pre-transplant appointment. He seemed really optimistic on the success and long term health of the other half post surgery. Laid out the risks and such. They were all quite reasonable. Now we just wait for the committee to meet and give a placement.

Got all my xmas shopping done, except stocking stuffers for the boys. And on top of all of that almost finished my doily commission. Now if I can get more than five hours of sleep tonight (stares at cat) life will be good.


was just watching Asmongold try the Secret Puzzle was probably the funniest thing i’ve seen in wow in a long time


It’s a Peter Jackson movie, you can almost bet on there being an extended edition :laughing:


Feel like crud right now, sore throat, sinuses are stuffed up, just feeling like crap. Gonna stay in bed all day.